Interfaces used

I have Hamachi installed (VPN system) and have the following interface list for Chanels: I have my own domain… so replace with my domain name and xxx with the mac mini name)

Advertising via [192.168.A.BBB, 25.xx.yy.zz]

The 25.xx.yy.zz is the Hamachi network… and is NOT accessible to other hosts (except when Hamachi vpn is enabled, and only those in the “network”)

My question with all this… Will this be a problem? I do not see any issues right now… but just wondering if there is a way to make sure that Hamachi does not interfere with Channels (specially when recording).

I use channels extensively and need to make sure that this would not be a problem:

  • DVR with 16 Tuners (Mac Mini 2014)
    2 ATV4
    1 ATV 4k
    2 Shields (Android)
    1 iPad
    2 PCs (web interface)

On macOS we use the system Bonjour which is fully aware of multiple interfaces and will not cause any issues.

On Linux/Windows there are some known problems but it’s something I hope to fix next week.