I found this m3u floating around the internet but I get invalid m3u when opening it in channels. it plays fine in vlc. FYI, it updates every 10 min. thanks.
That's an m3u8
file for playing back a video, not an m3u
playlist of channels. You'll use that for the actual video stream FOR a channel. You'll still need to use a proper m3u
format for your Custom Channel.
Using that URL in the URL field of a Custom Channel will not work.
Additionally, and I'm not sure if you did this, but pasting that into the TEXT field of the Custom Channel will certainly not work either.
So I setup the following in channels dvr and it works by strmlink vlc but not in the channels app directly if I select hls or mpeg-ts
#EXTINF:-1, channel-id="channel name" channel-number="1", channel name
Hls is the correct setting. You would have to check the logs to see why it's failing
Just submitted logs. see below.