IOS client chosing wrong location for quality setting

IOS client uses "Internet Streaming" settings instead of "Home Streaming" even though both the server and IOS device are connected to the same network / subnet.

Anything I should be aware of in order to try to fix this? I have to set "Internet Streaming" to Original to get around this whenever I am in the house then switch it back if I'm out.

How are you connected? What IP is shown on the settings tab under the channels logo.

Something I’m not familiar with. Carrier ipv6 address maybe?

That's your remote domain

Maybe click the logo and select At Home to put in the local IP

OK - should it be automatically detecting that or is this a required step I missed?

Doesn't let me set it - errors saying no server found at that address. I tried putting phone in airplane mode and only enabling wifi and closing/restarting channels app but still connected to remote domain and same error if I try to manually add server IP

Something is up with your network because it's not allowing the local connections and the app is falling back to remote access.

Not sure what it could be. Here is the server web Ui via direct IP from same phone in safari. Clearly there is connectivity.

Could be iOS privacy settings for local network access are disabled for the app

Bingo. That's what it was.

Thanks a ton, awesome support as always.