IPv6? Anyone using it for CDVR?

Looking back, the guide loading problems I've seen lately may have started when I enabled IPv6 on my router. FiOS recently started supporting v6 here so I thought I'd try it out.
Everything seems to be working well if not very well EXCEPT high packet loss on the link to the guide supplier. I use PingPlotter Pro to monitor the IP the guide is being loaded from per the Log. One hop is getting around 50% packet loss. I'll try to put the image of the results here.
So I'll shut down v6 to see if the problem goes away. But that's sort of short-term, is there a way to force just the guide update, or maybe Channels DVR in general, just use IPv4?
Edit: shut off v6, did full guide download, worked flawlessly. Looking into firewall or host config to limit to v4.

I had all kinds of random issues with IPv6 enabled on my network and Channels DVR. Once I disabled IPv6 all that stuff stopped. Plus as a bonus my Wifi light switches and plugs stopped randomly disconnecting. Something about IPv6 just not friendly on my network.

Unchecked IPv6 support on the server's LAN adapter and re-enabled v6 on the router. Redownloaded guide (to test). So far, so good.

The problem that I ran into with IPV6 is that my IP would still randomly change. At this moment, the devs don't have a way to dynamically update the IPV6 address. I have to email them to have them manually update the address.

I know that Tailscale has also been added for us to use but I would love to not have to have an added service on top of Channels.

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