Is it possible to add a webcam stream?

little help... next few days i want to try to install docker and see how that works (on a windows 10 pc).... i have found step by step once docker is installed..but is there a step by step to install and set up docker then follow the add plutos or stirr or custom channels? soo close on airport webcams... some have live atc playing as audio while viewing... thats about as perfect as i'm trying to get so if i just thinking i might have more control using docker? so far windows based channels is friggin awesome and pluto works stirr stopped (techyzon streams quit found back up stream for pluto)... way pleased with that.. thanks in advance yet again..


OK, this is freakin' awesome. I've added some live YouTube streams of ambient music.

lofi hip hop radio - beats to sleep/chill to
lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to

On the lookout for more. Webcams around the world too. So great to be able to integrate all of this into Channels!

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Yippie!!! got it to work! soooo utlra cool....
now a follow up question (of course)
i have been adding sources as i try to change settings....
is there a way to change the NAME of the Source after creating it?
example image

if i just wanted to name them LAX1 LAX2?
or do i have to create new ones with those titles then delete the others?

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No it's not possible to change the name after creation.

Thanks for that! Here are more webcams from the the Smithsonian’s National Zoo:

Lion Cam

Elephant Cam

Naked Mole-Rat Cam 1

Naked Mole-Rat Cam 2

this is new to me i tried it cant seem to get it . , what is an example text code , step by step to add a youtube live stream for a custom channel ?

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For that you would first need to involve a program called hlstube, which runs in a Docker container:

I can't type up a step-by-step but this first ingredient should at least get you started.

yeah , I go to that link and I'm lost .

so i got the the docker part downloaded thats a far as i got now what ?

Help on launching a project with Docker is outside the scope of this thread. Feel free to open a new topic to seek help with this, but there's many resources on the internet on how to use docker.


Here's a step-by-step with code you can paste, right into The "Text" option of a Custom Channel setup on the Channels DVR webUI... for just a regular webcam livestream.

It might be easier for you to start with this and see how it works, and then learn about hlstube and docker elsewhere.

Here's a livestream URL you can use as you learn. It's the elephant webcam at the Smithsonian National Zoo.

That URL seems to return an invalid playlist, according to Channels at least.


 invalid source url: unexpected URL without #EXTINF header

That's because you're not formatting the text properly, it needs more than just the URL.

Follow these instructions: Channels Support - Add Custom Channels with M3U Playlists

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I figured this out ! so i did a search on Youtube to find the .m3u8 file of the live stream . copy and pasted in source text example


#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="YT" channel-number="1" tvg-name="name" tvc-guide-title="x" tvc-guide-description="x",LiveFeed

it just plays it . now i got to figure out how to record the feed in the DVR. anyone no now ?

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It has to have guide data to record. You could copy what I have below. This is a local access station that I have as a custom channel. The guide data basically just says Local Access for every slot. I think it is in 2 hour blocks. You can rename the titles and refrence another jpg file as well if you like. Someone else may have another workaround but this should be somewhat usable for you


#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="WCTV" channel-number="48" tvc-guide-stationid="49060" tvg-logo="" tvg-name="WCTV" tvc-guide-title="Chesapeake Television" tvc-guide-description="Chesapeake Local Access" tvc-guide-art="",WCTV

hmmm not working for me . still not able to record , where did you get the station id?

oh , got it . works now from some odd reason

You can find it here if you want another station id

how can i (if possible) keep the stream from "timing out"? seems like sometimes it lasts a week sometimes a day....
using windowspc based version (not using docker)

IPCamLive urls are not persistent and require a key that gets cycled. If you're just copying them from a web page, they will expire.

I built a project that tries to mitigate this. It takes the identifier of the web cam you want, and redirects the request to the proper video stream. This way it's always correct and fresh.

Using this, you'd just use the URL structure of the project as your custom channel's stream URL. So it would be:


Where $IP and $PORT are the IP address and port of the hosted project.