Is it possible to add a webcam stream?

I see "Add your custom channels like you would any other Source," with absolutely zero hints as to how to get to the menu/requester/what-have-you to allow you to do that.

You would add it as a source, like you would any source. As the link shows you.
You add sources in the server settings of course.

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It's pretty simple and straightforward common sense thing.
Especially if you've already set up the channels DVR server it's part of the initials steps.
Which is clearly documented.

Perhaps this is the help you're looking for?

(there's a "Set Up Your Source" section)

You do have to make an m3u. I followed Maddox's example and made an m3u for 3 of my cameras with rtsp streams. I was able to add this to custom channels using stream format MPEG-TS.

I also have a motion surveillance on my Pi, which is a motion jpg feed accessed over http. I wasn't able to get this one to work, even using a separate m3u and adding as HLS steam.

But, I am at least happy to have my 3 main cameras on Channels. You should be able to get something working. Just try the example and see if it works for you.

Here is a quick how-to if you are still trying. Using your example page, right-click somewhere on the page (not the video) and select "Inspect"


This will open up an inspect panel, or separate window. Click on "Network" and filter by "XHR". You will see a number of items scroll by as the video plays. Right-click on one of the stream.m3u8 entries and copy the link address

You should now have "" on your clipboard.

Now create a text file using notepad++ (or similar tool) and make it look like this:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="LAX1" channel-number="2001" tvg-logo="" tvg-name="LAX1" tvc-guide-title="Cargo City" tvc-guide-description="Overlooking Runway 25 - Right, at Los Angeles International Airport" tvc-guide-art="",LAX1

There a three lines in the file (the second one is very long). The link address that you copied is the third line.

Now tell ChannelsDVR about the file you just created.



Awsome, thanks I needed that tutorial! I tried to add the National Zoo pandas the first day these custom channels were added but hadn't a clue how to find the streams.

In case and one is interested both camera 1 & 2 of the national zoo pandas:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="PANDACAM1" channel-number="15001" tvg-logo="" tvg-name="PANDACAM1" tvc-guide-title="National Zoo Panda Camera 1" tvc-guide-description="Giant pandas Tian Tian, Mei Xiang and Xiao Qi Ji, as they chomp on bamboo, climb trees and tumble through the grass." tvc-guide-art="",PANDACAM1


#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="PANDACAM2" channel-number="15002" tvg-logo="" tvg-name="PANDACAM2" tvc-guide-title="National Zoo Panda Camera 2" tvc-guide-description="Giant pandas Tian Tian, Mei Xiang and Xiao Qi Ji, as they chomp on bamboo, climb trees and tumble through the grass." tvc-guide-art="",PANDACAM2
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wow this is awesome, simple, straight forward thank you !!!!
I knew I got to the stream point... but I guess I was forgetting you need to fill out all three drop downs on settings (URL/text/file) save each time... I got furthest yet... but still short... as the error in the window to view comes up as .

which results in that error (media could not be loaded ...) reconnecting at bottom....
yet no issue on webpage itself......

any ideas?

ps I'm still trying via mini PC... without docker ...
since everything else runs great I'm messing with this before I convert to docker if I must

thanks in advance

I think you need to copy paste from above again

Change to mpeg got closer but no joy,…
On Apple TV it says no connection …but logos are nice!
Appreciate everyone’s time on this .. I figure I get one going I can replicate with others I want to watch or”look in on” form time to time.

One problem could be that they are using a new URL for stream.m3u8 today. Not much you can do about that except periodically update your M3U file and "reload" it.
It is odd that your logo images don't appear, unless "?" is what you intended.
Cargo City is working for me this afternoon with the updated URL.
One other thought is that maybe your ChannelsDVR Server doesn't resolve in DNS.

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What about an IP cam that doesn't have an m3u8 extension file or link?

I'm using the "IP Webcam" app on an old android phone. It's 'stream' is on my home network. When I go here and inspect, there is no m3u8 item in XHR. I tried to add this as a source by 'text' and by 'URL', but neither resolved in channels. I see the source in the guide, but I can't get any video to appear.

If it supports rtsp then it could probably work but if not it may be some kind of proprietary thing that won’t work with channels.

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The "Text" option is for your to enter the content of a complete M3U playlist; the "URL" option is for your to provide the address where Channels can download a complete M3U playlist.

Neither option is meant to be used with a solitary URL to your cameras' streams. You need the #EXTM3U header, and each item's stream URL needs to be preceded by an #EXTINF line describing the URL.

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Maddox already posted an example. I already have my cameras in a surveillance app so don't really need them in Channels, but I followed the example to test it out with my IP cameras.
m3u looks like this:


#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="SCAM" channel-number="10000" tvg-logo="" tvg-name="SCAM" tvc-guide-title="StreetCam" tvc-guide-description="Street view showing parking availability" tvc-guide-art="",SCAM 
rtsp://admin:[email protected]:80/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="DCAM" channel-number="10001" tvg-logo="" tvg-name="DCAM" tvc-guide-title="DoorCam" tvc-guide-description="Door cam showing front stoop" tvc-guide-art="",DCAM 
rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="TCAM" channel-number="10002" tvg-logo="" tvg-name="TCAM" tvc-guide-title="MannyCam" tvc-guide-description="Manny's room camera" tvc-guide-art="",TCAM 
rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554//h264Preview_01_main

Thanks folks. I had read the examples others tried, even copy/paste and modified. After your feedback, I tried to use the various examples as is (cargolaw, pandacam), but that didn't work either. So, I moved some of the settings around, HLS vs MPEG-TS and have been looking at log files. Oh, I set the max number of streams from whatever the default was to 2. AND, I had edited channel-id to a value that didn't match the very last item in the EXTINF line. Channel-id was cam, and that value after the comma was PANDACAM2. Once I made them match, the errors I got in the log changed.

Here's my current source text:


#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="CAM" channel-number="499" tvg-logo="" tvg-name="PANDACAM1" tvc-guide-title="National Zoo Panda Camera 1" tvc-guide-description="Giant pandas" tvc-guide-art="",CAM

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="PANDACAM2" channel-number="15002" tvg-logo="" tvg-name="PANDACAM2" tvc-guide-title="National Zoo Panda Camera 2" tvc-guide-description="Giant pandas Tian Tian, Mei Xiang and Xiao Qi Ji, as they chomp on bamboo, climb trees and tumble through the grass." tvc-guide-art="",PANDACAM2

Here's a few clips from the logs:

2021/05/05 16:24:20.209532 [TNR] Opened connection to M3U-garage for ch15002 PANDACAM2
2021/05/05 16:24:20.437393 [HLS] Starting transcoder for channel 15002 from (encoder=remux, resolution=, deinterlacer=, bitrate=0)
2021/05/05 16:24:20.559315 [HLS] ffmpeg: ch15002-dANY-ip127.0.0.1-remux:  pipe:: could not find codec parameters
2021/05/05 16:24:20.584299 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch15002-dANY-ip127.0.0.1: Stream stopped
2021/05/05 16:24:20.584299 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch15002-dANY-ip127.0.0.1
2021/05/05 16:24:20.584299 [TNR] Closed connection to M3U-garage for ch15002 PANDACAM2
2021/05/05 16:24:20.584299 [HLS] Probe failed for live stream after 145.9076ms and 0 bytes

2021/05/05 16:29:42.017163 [TNR] Opened connection to M3U-garage for ch499 CAM
2021/05/05 16:29:42.190055 [HLS] Starting transcoder for channel 499 from (encoder=remux, resolution=, deinterlacer=, bitrate=0)
2021/05/05 16:29:42.316979 [HLS] ffmpeg: ch499-dANY-ip127.0.0.1-remux:  pipe:: could not find codec parameters
2021/05/05 16:29:42.334968 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch499-dANY-ip127.0.0.1: Stream stopped
2021/05/05 16:29:42.334968 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch499-dANY-ip127.0.0.1
2021/05/05 16:29:42.334968 [TNR] Closed connection to M3U-garage for ch499 CAM
2021/05/05 16:29:42.335966 [HLS] Probe failed for live stream after 144.9113ms and 0 bytes
2021/05/05 16:29:42.561001 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch499-dANY-ip127.0.0.1

This is with Stream format set to MPEG-TS. If I switch to HLS format, Pandas work, but my local stream doesn't. Here's the log:

2021/05/05 16:36:30.745980 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch499: M3U: Could not parse playlist: Can't detect playlist type
2021/05/05 16:36:30.772367 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch499-dANY-ip127.0.0.1: M3U: Could not parse playlist: Can't detect playlist type
2021/05/05 16:36:30.772367 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch499-dANY-ip127.0.0.1
2021/05/05 16:36:31.937497 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch499: M3U: Could not parse playlist: Can't detect playlist type
2021/05/05 16:36:31.985046 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch499-dANY-ip127.0.0.1: M3U: Could not parse playlist: Can't detect playlist type
2021/05/05 16:36:31.985046 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch499-dANY-ip127.0.0.1
2021/05/05 16:36:32.651032 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch499-dANY-ip127.0.0.1
2021/05/05 16:36:32.774652 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch499: M3U: Could not parse playlist: Can't detect playlist type
2021/05/05 16:36:37.498858 [TNR] Opened connection to M3U-garage for ch15002 PANDACAM2
2021/05/05 16:36:37.633491 [HLS] Starting transcoder for channel 15002 from (encoder=remux, resolution=, deinterlacer=, bitrate=0)
2021/05/05 16:36:38.978694 [HLS] Probed live stream in 1.3452031s: h264 1280x720 progressive 3519237bps
2021/05/05 16:36:40.240508 [HLS] Session ch15002-dANY-ip127.0.0.1 started in 3.3584538s
2021/05/05 16:36:56.082212 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch15002-dANY-ip127.0.0.1 (out: 7.817011s, finished: false)
2021/05/05 16:36:56.084212 [HLS] ffmpeg: ch15002-dANY-ip127.0.0.1-remux:  [mpegts @ 00000000025fbb80] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
2021/05/05 16:36:56.096204 [TNR] Closed connection to M3U-garage for ch15002 PANDACAM2

I stopped the pandas manually.

I found a better app for the cam that provides an obvious rtsp link and it works like a champ. Here's my test mu3 text:


#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="CAM2" channel-number="499" tvg-name="CAM2" tvc-guide-title="StreetCam" tvc-guide-description="Street view showing parking availability",CAM2 
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ok here is another webcam I would like to add. I looked at the source and can't really find the M3U link... I see it under JS but nothing that looks like a complete web address using safari and developer to see the scripting..... what am I missing when I'm searching for the source? thanks in advance... if I can get just locked in I think I can replicate for all the others..

That's a YouTube video.

You can try using youtube-dl to get the URL for the stream.

youtube-dl -g

But there's no knowing it that URL stays valid very long.

For live youtube streams, you can setup in a docker container and use that

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