Newsy stream

OK. Can someone help? I want to add Newsy channel. I have it OTA on antenna but it doesn't come in great. However the network streams on their website.

Could someone walk me through how to add this one channel? I tried following instructions but I'm lost.

It doesn't look like they offer a live stream directly on their website, only through apps and other platforms.

It's carried by Pluto TV if you have that setup in Channels DVR.

It's literally streaming on their homepage in a box that you can expand. (I get Pluto but I'm trying to use Channels without having to do the pluto thing)

I added this for TVE sources in the next prerelease.

Otherwise you could add a custom channel as so:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="newsy" tvc-guide-stationid="96827", Newsy

How did you find the link?

See for example:

Fantastic!!! Thank you so much