Is There a Fix for YTTV (browser or app may not be secure)?

I've searched the forums and haven't come across a fix for this. I'm running v2023.09.19.0804 on a Synology NAS. I've updated Chrome through the Troubleshooting tab and switched from Cloudfare as my DNS host...still can't login to add YTTV as a TVE source. Anyone got this figured out? Diagnostic Logs sent.

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Try updating to the latest pre-release which has the new build of Chrome. Then go to Support -> Troubleshooting and update the chrome build that Channels is using, then try it again. That worked for me today finally.

Thanks for the suggestion Matt. I can confirm that this does work.

That gave me some hope, but no new chrome for the Synology package install. It's still v97.

2023/09/19 17:56:23.630631 [SYS] Starting Channels DVR v2023.09.19.2020 (linux-x86_64 pid:4177) in /var/packages/ChannelsDVR/target/channels-dvr/data
2023/09/19 17:59:11.932696 url=
2023/09/19 17:59:12.801806 registry.manifest.get url= repository=chromedp/headless-shell reference=97.0.4692.56
2023/09/19 17:59:14.107246 url= repository=chromedp/headless-shell digest=sha256:ffbb094f4f9e7c61d97c2b409f3e8154e2621a5074a0087d35f1849e665d0d34
2023/09/19 17:59:18.399429 url= repository=chromedp/headless-shell digest=sha256:9b14f784f92a19552c6301741f4299a599c5ddd79c4d2343f449baabc840079b
2023/09/19 17:59:19.607238 url= repository=chromedp/headless-shell digest=sha256:a315ff4312e7298a86768350b0385281a5532eb1f8497f4680de8e3189a07894
2023/09/19 17:59:29.076115 url= repository=chromedp/headless-shell digest=sha256:8a83912a086faffe21f33bc6cb5a881bcb61ff7a23d0b8bfa9198fe9ddb54dd9
2023/09/19 17:59:30.761397 [TVE] action=version product=Chrome/97.0.4692.56 jsVersion= protocol=1.3 revision=@04da6c66398ca50e603cc236a07dc7dfd3bbc750
2023/09/19 17:59:30.787430 [TVE] action=page_ready chromeVersion=97

2 things I'm seeing there -- First as it shows - your DNS might be showing as proxy / VPN that Youtube isn't liking. Secondly - are you running the latest pre-release, as those are the ones that have Chrome updates.

I think the CC4C docker project is also using a very old version that exacerbates this.

What version of chrome are you seeing and what are you running Channels DVR on?
It's not being updated if you run the Synology package.

Running the following version on a Synology Nas, but not running it in Docker - 2023.09.15.0559 and after updating Chrome not sure how to see what version its running.

Then why would you say this?

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Update to the latest pre-release.
Choose Troubleshooting look to see what is indicated in the interface.
Using TVE does require that you use the latest version of the software.

I had a problem before with an account I created (zero 2FA). When retrying with another 2FA enabled Google account (with second factor being gmail on a phone), I could use YTTV after approving the connection in the second factor Gmail. I hope it helps and I hope you get yours working.

I really like YTTV but it is getting difficult to get around the 2FA.
Yttv TVE is good for now but if you are a heavy Channels user, it is probably time to get your backup plans in place just in case.
Lots of options here on the forums and a lot of them can be done with very little cost.

@tmm Is there an option in the cc4c world to move to playwrite instead of puppeteer to get around the browser may not be secure issues?

CC4C is a separate project and is not related to, or used for, TVE.

If you want to build a version of CC4C with other technologies, feel free to do so.


What happened to the option to update chrome in troubleshooting. Have installed latest pre-release and and chrome is updated but till can't login Youtube TV.

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If you are on the latest pre-release Choose settings>status
The Web interface does take some getting used to.

This is my solution

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: BETA: Chrome Capture for Channels