I like my full guide for OTA and Xfinity TVE since there aren't a ton of channels to scroll through (1-100ish for OTA and the 6000s for xfinity). There are a decent amount of Pluto channels I'd like to add to my whole guide, but I don't want to see all of them. There are just too many and they sit smack in the middle of scrolling between my OTA and Xfinity channels, so it becomes a pain to scroll through the hundreds of Pluto channels. Is my best play to manually add all of the OTA and Xfinity to favorites and then add the Pluto channels I want to favorites? Or is there a way to just pick and choose the Pluto channels I want to see in the full guide?
First when you setup Pluto choose to ignore channels # from M3U that way all Pluto channels start at 9000.
You can disable the channels you do not want to see or create a collection with the ones you want.
I just did that, but it didn't put them in the 9000s. It just has them mixed in from the 100s to 3000s.
Are you using the Docker or the WEb Site ?
If using the Website ...
If you would like to use custom channel numbering instead of the default, use this link instead, say if you wanted to start Pluto channel numbers at 5000:
I'm using my NAS docker via a web browser.
Did you redownload the guide and refresh Pluto. Usually if I change an M3U I delete the guide and recreate it.
Maybe that's the problem. I'll give that a go and see what happens.
That worked! I got them in the 9000s now!
I have to also mention, one VERY EXCELLENT feature that is worth diving into is Channel Collections, which keeps the guide personalized and clean. Definitely helps curate, just the channels you're interested in!
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