Is there a universal way set settings across devices

Looking for a way to default all apps for tuner priority and channels within the tuner.

As a user of Apple products, I've wondered if they could leverage iCloud to allow syncing of these settings across their apps.


There isn't.

We're currently working on better ways to manage channels across multiple devices. Though priority will always be a per device setting.


With all the new channels having 3 ATVs and iPhone and an iPad .. managing Favorites has become an issue for me

Please, don’t get me wrong, I love having this sort of problem, I’d just like to find some easy way of dealing with it.

For those wondering why syncing across devices is taking so long, there's an article from the guys at Panic (makers of awesome software) about why they couldn't use iCloud, and had to develop their own sync solution. This problem is even more pronounced with Channels, because platform support is even more broad.

(Scroll down to the section titled Why Not Use iCloud (or Dropbox, et al.)? for their reasoning.)