Is there really no Channels Windows app?

I am going to buy a TV or another device for which there is a Channels app, but for now I would like to connect to my Channels server from a Windows PC.

I cannot seem to find a Windows app and apparently it is not possible to use a web browser instead?

What can I do?

Yes, there really is no Channels app for MS-Windows . Nor for OS X. Nor for Linux.

Yes, you can use a browser. Go to your Channels server, click On Now, Guide, what-have-you, select what you want to watch.


What part of this is not working?

You can access the Channels DVR web UI two ways.

Using your browser on the Windows PC, go to
where is the IP address of your Channels DVR Server

Using your browser on the Windows PC, go to
and login, then click on the Your DVR tab and click the link for your server

Thanks, found that. I only get a spinning wheel in the middle of a static picture, though.

If that is going to work, it will be fine until I buy an Apple TV.

Please go to and click Submit Diagnostics

Is that while trying to play back a recording, or is it while trying to watch live TV?

It's while playing back live TV

Does it quit buffering and start playing if you click the skip button on the player?

No, nothing happens still :slightly_frowning_face:

Does it say Remux running... or Transcoder running under the player window.

Reason I ask is TVE channels should remux and OTA/CABLE channels should transcode.

Remux running

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Is it incrementing like this?
Remux Running: 35s @ 1.6x (45.85fps)
Remux Running: 1m5s @ 1.29x (37.83fps)
Remux Running: 1m35s @ 1.17x (34.42fps)

You should be seeing something like this at the bottom of the player window if it's working correctly.
Screenshot_2020-06-07 Channels DVR

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Wow, thanks, that fixed the issue, going to
and login, then click on the Your DVR brought me to where i was - but now it works.

What did not work was going to the same place from the page I was left after installing the server. Apparently there is a difference between :8089 and :8089.

Thanks to everybody who came with suggestions!

Some browsers won't play media from non-HTTPS sites; that was probably the issue.

(Also, you can access that site directly at

That's definitely strange, there should be no difference, but glad you got it working!

Some browsers won't play media from non-HTTPS sites; that was probably the issue.

Both are non-HTTPS.

(Also, you can access that site directly at .)

That is for remote access.

Can you copy/paste the URL that works and the one that doesn't work?

Yes, strange - and too good to be true. In fact, I have the same problem when accessing from another PC. I will do some trial-and-error, then return.