Is your Netflix, Youtube, or Plex pausing by itself?

Apple TV's OS is a fork of OS X which is in tern a fork of Unix.

Google TV is an skin (User Interface) placed on top of Android, also a fork of Unix

Fire TV is a skin placed on top of Android with Amazon modifications, also a fork of Unix

Apple products are designed to make you need other Apple products. Many people hate the huge sucking sound while others love it.

The vast majority of issues you see discussed here are related to oper source addons

And don't forget that most every Apple OS release causes some people greef and this is not as common for Android devices though it also happens.

So run what you enjoy yet realize that there are plenty of perfectly good solutions that are neither better or worse, just different.

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4gigs is the high end of streaming devices last time I looked. Hoping things changed in the last year or 2.

My Shield Pro only has 3, and the Tube versions only have 2gig as I recall. Seems like 6-8 should be minimum with cheap ram these days.

1 Like onn tv box is only 3. Should probably be double that at least IMO

We can debate all we want about Apple TV and memory problems with Android/FireTV devices. But since several of us actual FIreTV users have said the original problem doesn't happen on our devices so maybe we can find another solution without an expensive Apple TV replacement.

I add extra storage memory to all my FireTV devices, just so I have lots of storage memory for Channels DVR. For my first gen Firestick Max devices I have used Samsung Fit 128GB USB memory and simple USB patch cables. But this solution did not work for second gen Firestick Max devices. I needed to find memory that could write faster. I found two memory devices that have been working well for almost a year: Sandisk 128GB Extreme Pro and Vansuny 128GB USB memory. The Sandisk memory was expensive and it did not work with the simple USB patch cable. I had to use a device with 3 USB and a network connection. This total solution ended up costing more than I would recommend and may not really be necessary since the second gen Firestick Max has extra storage memory built in.

At any rate not sure if this is the reason I am not seeing to original problem. The only app I have sideloaded is the Channels DVR beta, otherwise I am completely original software.

This is all nonsense about what is better ... you use whatever works for you ... be it budget wise or ecosystem.


So guys, two things...

  1. This isn't relegated to just the fire tv afterall. I just found out using my brand new google tv streamer, the higher end $99 model. My youtube didn't start properly, it did the pausing thing. I forced stopped Channels DVR, and youtube worked again.

  2. Since this issue seems to be foreign to other users here, then I'm convinced it's the virtual channels. That's all I ever use channels dvr for.

Are you doing a force stop only, or cache clear also?

Does it show before and after cache size?

I always clear cache just in case, but since you asked... I tried today without clearing cache, I only forced stop and it works. This is for the new google streamer. I will test with fire tv later.

Does this have to do with the channels dvr locking up or reserving the buffer or something?

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When you are going to play Netflix or another app, is Channels currently streaming something when you hit Home or do you exit out of the Channels player first before hitting Home?

Never thought of it to be honest. I think most of the time, I just hit the home button, or keep hitting back button. But what does "exiting" entail? How do you exit properly?

If you're pressing the back button it would be exiting the player and going back to the menus. If you could see if using the back button (instead of the home button) to leave the player when you're switching to another app changes the behavior (or prevents you from needing to kill Channels or clear the cache or anything) that would be helpful info.

In the Developers Options of the Google TV, there is something called BACKGROUND PROCESSES LIMIT. At default, it was set to "standard limit." I switched that to zero, and I haven't had this issue since. Even with hitting the home button to get out of Channels.

I will set it back to "standard limit," and test exiting the channels app properly. I'll report back later.

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