Issue getting guide data on v. 2022.088.31 latest


I updated to the latest DVR pre-release and it looks like it's having issues getting guide data. Here are some of the example errors (occurs on HD Homerun, TVE, and custom lists).

2022/09/01 10:43:42.467553 [ERR] Failed to fetch station 10139: Get "": dial tcp: lookup on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]:53025->[::1]:53: i/o timeout

Only generic one-hour time-blocks show up in the guide for the channels.

I can paste those url's into a browser window and the guide data is returned OK. When i roll back to v. 2022.08.29.0732 (last update I did) everything works fine.


Can you verify if v2022.08.29.2306 works


curl.exe -XPUT http://localhost:8089/updater/check/2022.08.29.2306

Confirmed, updating to that version still works.


Please try v2022.09.01.1732

I did the update from the console and it pulled down v2022.09.01.1800. Appears to work perfectly now. Nice!

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82f28062-5f20-4fe9-9994-6bf9e4f5e72e Submitted. Iā€™m getting all manor of weirdness pulling data.

Your dockers aren't running for some reason.

sigh - kernel panic on the mac. Sorry - quickly sent this off when watching football - that will teach me