@maddox @eric @tmm1
So at one point I had channels 1000-1050 in use. I deleted the custom channel and replaced it with another custom channel but kept the same channel numbers (I named it something different). The issue now is Channels is refusing to recognize the channels from the new m3u. It is still stuck on the m3u that has been deleted. The logs below are from a DVR that is supposed to pull channels 1000-1030 from my main DVR (
Logs showing that it is failing to tune ch1000 and using an old deleted m3u (note the IP is incorrect):
2024/07/30 23:32:28.317238 [ERR] Failed to start stream on channel 1000 via M3U-mlbserver2: M3U: Could not fetch playlist from Get "": EOF
2024/07/30 23:32:28.317372 [DVR] Error running job 1722389390-26 MLB Baseball: could not start stream on channels=[1000]: M3U: Could not fetch playlist from Get "": EOF
snip from the m3u showing how channel 1000 is configured (note the IP is correct):
#EXTINF:-1 CUID="MLBTV.WSH" channelID="MLBTV.WSH" tvg-num="1000" tvg-chno="1000" tvc-guide-stationid="136234" tvg-logo="https://content.sportslogos.net/logos/54/578/full/washington_nationals_logo_primary_20117280.png" group-title="MLBTV",Nationals
The snips above are just showing channel 1000, but all channels from 1000-1030 have this issue.
Also Channels 1000-1030 do not show in any automatic channel collection.
I submitted logs : 888ad784-a9c3-4f9e-8c0f-1ad30378e631