Issues with channels

Hi All,
New to the please excuse any daft questions...

I notice that some channels that should be playing all the time seem to say finished, or they reboot regularly for some strange reason? not sure if this is the setting or the provider...

secondly i notice i have a USA based Dekstop PC, setup and i am getitng these errors is there a possile fix...
shows greyed out channels abcgo: 1002:You appear to be outside the United States or its territories. Due to international rights agreements, we only offer this video to viewers located within the United States and its territories

how do i transcode or use channels from outside DVR thanks again

Are you using a VPN or custom DNS solution? Those often can cause issues with the geo-location checks that streaming channels use.

Not that I know of, I have a server that I have installed DVR On.. unsure if it’s a custom DNS, no it’s not got VPN on there

Does it work on

ABC's live stream is not available in undefined

However, most primetime shows are available to stream next day in the app. You also have access to the ABC News Live stream.

If it doesn't work on their website, it won't work in our DVR. You could need to contact your cable company or