Issues with Connections while using Windows Laptop for Server

"What I'm saying is you have much bigger problems"
I wouldn't say "bigger", but a slight annoyance.
I have spent a good bit of time trying to get to the bottom of it and it is now much better
since I started using a Static IP addrs on the server Win 11 laptop,
and disabled WiFi for the laptop connection.
but it still pops up occasionally.
It may be a Win 11 issue as the Desktop icons sometimes do not respond, it takes a few seconds after a click
It is a known issue, It seems like Win 11 goes to Sleep, even tho I have Never Sleep,
and sleeping is a no no for CDVR.
Nothing I can do about that, its a Microsoft thing.
I've tried disabling WIdgets etc etc as sites say to try but it still happens.

some desktop icons seem to "sleep" after idle


You may want to consider using a true server os for channels insead of windows. The issues you describe are exactly why i use Ubuntu Linux server. Literally zero issues...

Using a laptop with Windows is honestly the worst combination you can use for Channels DVR Server as it expects to be running at all times. That's not just its expectation, but also us as we support it. If you are losing the connection from your Channels app routinely, and your server is running on a Windows laptop, then it's really going to be up to you to sort that out.

Windows is extremely vigilant about power saving while running on a laptop. Successfully getting it to NOT sleep is practically impossible as there's a million things you have to change to get it to do so.

If you're invest in Channels, then it's highly suggested to run Channels DVR Server on a computer that's more suited for something that needs to be running at all times.

I use a little program called insomnia that keeps windows awake ... even when using a laptop. Simply set it up in task schedule to run at startup

Insomnia - Download (

I have seen that Insomnia mentioned.
I may try it.
Honestly simply clicking Bon Jour off-on fixes it so it’s just a minor annoyance.
Not every day.
And Maddox explains Windows is the worst,
but not worth it for me to buy another server.
I really like CDVR, it gives me so much.
Not having to rent kox mini boxes $6/mo ea.
whole home DVR.
m3u for TiViMate multiscreen.
Custom channels.
FUN hobby.
And other things I don’t use.

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I only run Windows Servers tried ubuntu it was a pain in the ASS for me to use I have NAS's for storage and setting up shares etc .. is a pain in the butt ... with windows all you do is browse to add a Nas Share. I say go with whatever you feel comfortable with the folks recommending LINUX are well versed in it.

Thanks for explanation, I agree.
But so far it’s been minor issues.
I suspect Windows is my culprit.
Latest Win update, Latest bug, desktop icons have shadows, hard to read.
And the checkbox to remove them does not work anymore.
They may never fix.
It’s always something.
And unlike the CDVR developers who always respond and help, MS never does.
Thanks for a great product and Support.

Webmin makes this VERY easy. Im not a fan of cli drive mappings either

I literally knew nothing about linux 5 years ago. I just decided i wanted to learn it and googled a bunch of stuff, watched youtube videos, and did general trial and error.

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I agree with you if you want to delve into Linux ... but I always try to offer a solution to a current problem to get the user up and running ... if they want to then go on to Linux I see no problem.

You helped me a lot when I first started using UBUNTU.... And I still use it for my Dockers... Windows Docker sucks... But my Windows Severs have been rock solid.

Unraid. minimal cost, powerful features.

Lets get the OP working on what he has before introducing another operating system. Then he can decide what he wants.

It's windows and a laptop. FIrst thing I would do is go into power and disable sleep and hibernate and only turn off the monitor. Go into BIOS and do the same thing.


A Windows laptop makes an excellent power efficient Channels DVR server when set up correctly.

People should run what ever software they are conferrable with and/or can get help with. Being able to run on so many platforms is one of the wonderful things about Channels DVR!


Since Windows doesn't surface all power settings, you might have to use the Windows powercfg utility.

I don't run Channels DVR on my Windows laptop, but I did fix a problem with its external drives spinning down by using the Windows powercfg utility.

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