Keeping Your Community Clean

Just a short PSA for folks that may not know that the Trash Can is not just a feature of Channels, it's here on this forum as well.

If you click on your avatar at the top right and select the rightmost icon:

Screenshot 2022-04-18 142857

And select Preferences from the drop down:

Screenshot 2022-04-18 142925

You can then add users to Ignore or Mute:

Hope that helps!


This is messed up. Made me laugh.

But you should really redo screenshots to not include other peoples names

This Discourse feature has made my forum experience immeasurably better. The only weirdness is that you’ll still get notified of new posts they make in threads, even though you can’t see them. (I have 5 people on my list; YMMV.)

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Yea....but it does not actually fully remove/hide posts from ignored users.
Still has a place holder thing that clutters up the thread anyways. Same with Discord, which drvies me nuts.
Not really any point in it if it does not fully remove posts...imo.

EDIT 4-2023. They seemed to have REMOVED the IGNORE feature at some point on this forum. Only Mute shows now, which just stops notifications from user, does not hide their posts.

Assholes sometimes make valuable points. I doubt the devs use this much. Free exchange can be ugly but the alternative is worse.


I would object to gratuitous use of sock puppet accounts by moderators

The problem with your comment is that the user you are objecting to does not have moderation capabilities on the forum.

In fact, as far as I can tell, the users with moderation status either ignore you or allow you to continue your pointless rants until the threads become untenable because of your stance.

Being a user you would classify as a moderator, I am going to exercise my might and close this thread. The mute and ignore features are nice to know about—I use the ignore list for several users, personally—but this discourse on this topic has now reached its end.