Keywords in Automatic Channel Collections?

Is it possible for the baseball tag to also pull any programs that have "MLB" in the title, but not baseball? I am noticing that those are not showing up in the collection that I have set up.

In lieu of that is it also possible for us to create our own keywords? For example if I add "MLB", it will automatically search the guide for any mention of MLB in the title and/or description and list those in the collection.

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This is not possible now but is possible to add this later. We’ll look into it.


This would be awesome. I have a list of of external source m3u streams that often play our local college sports - they name the “shows” themselves with the sport and teams but that’s about all they give. I set those channels in their own section of the guide

I would love to be able to setup a collection so that if it sees a sport i say or our team name on any stream or channel it would list it. That way i could just check the collection and have a perfectly curated list of defined channels that flexes as needed - So keywords would be amazing!

With the latest pre-release, you can now use keywords in Automatic Channels. This only works on the tvOS/iOS client right now. And you'll have to get the TestFlight beta that will show up in a few minutes.

Additionally, remember that these rules are all ANDed together. While it will search for shows with any of the keywords in them, the rules set for genres, keywords, etc all have to match.

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@maddox I think this may have broken something. I updated the server and then I was just trying to see if any mlb post season games were on. My channel collection now shows every channel in my lineup. The only ones that are correct are the ones that I manually did that don't have automatic rules. I made sure i was on the latest testflight. I submitted diagnostics from ATV just in case it helps

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Same thing happening here. Keywords don’t really work for me and trying to delete them caused all channels to appear in my collections.


Lol yeah my live sports collection now has Kelly Clarkson and Jerry Springer in it.

I always considered Jerry spring a pro wresting show. :man_shrugging:


Please show me some example rules you have for your channels so I can try to repro.

@maddox here you go. Im not using any keywords yet but I did try it on a new collection and it didn't really work right. So then I just left it alone and then I noticed that all of my other collections were messed up. I deleted the test collection to see if things would go back to normal for my existing collections, but it looks like they are showing every channel from all sources. However, the excluded sources are being honored.

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OK should be resolved in the latest TestFlight beta

Any confirmations?

Just checked and works great!

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Thanks. I can't test it yet as I only have a Shield, but hopefully I will get a chance soon.

Available on android:

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For the genres you are able to combine multiple genres (for example Game Shows and Mysteries) and both will show up on the list. Why doesn't it work that way for keywords? I was hoping that the keyword would add to the list of programs under the genre selected instead of filtering them out.

Also, I notice that the keyword only works if you choose one of TV Shows, Movies or Sports. Choosing Everything does not work.

It’s supposed to work for any of them.

I’ll check out these issues soon.

OK, there's a fix coming with the next iOS/tvOS TestFlight beta.

It's important to know that these rules are all ANDed together. So, a channel's current airing needs to match all of the rules you have inputted. The exception is that they can match ANY of the options you pass in.

For example: You can have selected Movies and Genres: ["Action", "Adventure"]. Channel airings HAVE to both be a movie, and match 1 of the genres you've chosen. It can match action OR adventure, but it has to match ONE of them.

The same thing goes for keywords. You can add multiple keywords to grab a channel, but the channels have to match at least 1 of the keywords.

This should be resolved as well.

Thanks for clarifying this, but can you explain how these keywords are generated or where they come from? I tried adding "NFL" as a keyword to capture both NFL games and related sports talk shows (e.g., "Good Morning Football" on NFL Network) but that doesn't seem to work despite "Good Morning Football" having "NFL" multiple times in its show description.

Right now the keyword filter only matches "TechCheck" on CNBC which is completely off, and I can't really figure out why it's a match.

Keywords are literally just characters found in the show title, episode title, event title, or summary.

So it’s just a cheap search.