Knowledge Base on Beta install incorrect

Knowledge Base article states:

Pre-Release access for DVR subscribers
Knowledge Base

Automatic Sideload (recommend)

To install the Channels beta as a separate app on your device, simply go into the stable Channels app and select Settings > Support > Beta Testing > Install Beta App

On my ONN with Channels 4.8.0, "Settings > Support" has nothing about "Beta Testing".

I submitted diagnostics.


Scroll down a bit, noted on that same article:

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Using ONN, their is no Beta access in the Channels app. ADB instructions did not work. However, after a lot of poking around, installing DOWNLOADER, and using code 697374 did work.

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Because as mentioned in the KnowledgeBase, inside the red rectangle I added to the screenshot above, your "ONN with Channels 4.8.0" is newer than v4.5.0:

Due to new Google Play Store restrictions, starting with v4.5.0 the Install button is no longer available in the regular Channels DVR app. To install the beta, use the Manual Sideload instructions below.

You can also opt-in or opt-out of the beta process directly on the Play Store -- this installs the beta on your AndroidTV, replacing the stable/release version.

Great, glad you were able to figure it out :+1: