Kodi Add-on

Just an F.Y.I. I couldn't get it to import guide information on startup. I had to input server I.P instead of "Auto Discover DVR."in case anyone should run into this problem.

This is for the Nexus build.

The channel order displayed, is not how I have them arranged in the Collection, it goes by the channel number order, even when set to backend order. It only includes the channels that are in the Collection, so it gets that part correct.

I filed a bug report with Kodi:

Thanks @tmm1, he posted an hour ago that he will fix it asap!

Thank you, I will look into this! Also thanks for adding Nexus support!

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The addon is not working for me on CoreELEC after upgrading to Nexus. Initially after upgrading, Kodi would not even launch, so I downgraded back to 19.5 and then uninstalled the Channels addon and repo. Then I upgraded to Nexus again and this time Kodi launched and worked fine. At which point I was able to successfully install the Channels repo, but then when trying to install the addon from the repo, kodi crashed and CoreELEC launched into safe mode. I tried rebooting a couple of times but it continued to crash and go into safe mode. Finally, I SSHed in and manually removed the pvr.channelsdvr folder and rebooted and it booted into normal mode no issues. I tried one more time to install the addon and the same thing happened again. Crashed on install -> CoreELEC boot to safe mode -> only able to get out of safe mode by removing the channels addon folder

Here is the crash log http://ix.io/4lTF

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I noticed that a patch fixed this issue. Is it going to be resolved in a simple server prerelease update, or is it an add-on update in Kodi?

I noticed another Nexus bug also with the Channel Collections. It doesn't remember the Collection when you restart Kodi. It goes back to All Channels.

Some good news is that Nexus seems to load the Channels add-on, and all the guide data quicker than Matrix.

You have to wait for Kodi 20.1 to be released, or use a nightly build. If you find more kodi bugs you can report it to them directly.

I'll just go back to Matrix. Oh well.

I'm using Shields and can't get this to work on Kodi 20. I have done pretty much everything, except start from scratch. I have a lot of customizations in Kodi, and don't really want to uninstall, reinstall if I don't have to. It just keeps telling me that this version is not compatible with Kodi 20. Any ideas? I have removed the repository, and re-added, etc.

Wait on the total re-install. You should be able to get this worked out.

Try removing the channels repository, then restart kodi.

Then add the repository again, and then try selecting the addon from the repository.

If you still get the same issue, post the kodi log so we can see details that may show what the issue is.

Kodi log accessing and postng tips:


( and here it notes you can use http://paste.kodi.tv/ , as no one wants these logs filling up forum posts )

With the log we can see details on exact versions ( of kodi, and repository install attempts ) and other details that may point to the issue.

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The Nexus January 24 nightly, fixed the backend sort issue with Channel Collections.

The other issue with the PVR not remembering the previous Channel Collection, and defaulting to All Channels at every new startup, is still happening.

I can post the entire log if you want, but this is probably the issue:

2023-01-25 18:19:49.242 T:14040 error <general>: Add-on 'Channels DVR Client' is using an incompatible API version for type 'Addon'. Kodi API min version = '2.0.2/2.0.0', add-on API version '1.2.0/1.3.0'

EDIT: I should add that this is after removing the add-on, and the repository, exiting Kodi, and then reinstalling them.


@tmm1 Thanks.

Anyone have any ideas on this? I don't want to start from scratch only to have the same issue.

Please try removing and readding the repo/addon now. I'm watching the logs on our side to see why its downloading the wrong version. Make sure to restart kodi after uninstall and before reinstall.

ok, I'm doing it now.

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OK, I removed the add-on, then removed the repository.

Exited out of Kodi (by using the exit menu from within Kodi)

Restarted Kodi, and added the repository. Then installed the add-on.

As expected, no change in behavior.

Seems kodi is caching the addon somewhere because I didn't see it download a new copy. I did see where it requested the addon repo when you readded it, but that's it.