Latest beta causes one of my HDhomeruns to disappear/not be seen

So when I updated to the latest beta I saw one of my HDhomeruns missing with some more testing Including rebooting both my computer and my router I decided to go back to release and now both show up fine, as soon as I update back to the server beta it disappears again.

I'm not sure what to Include with this post with the logs, but please let me know. thanks.

When that happens, you should Check if the HDHomeruns can be found by using the HDHR software... that would exclude Channels DVR if the HDHomerun app cannot find the units.

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It can. I have the HDhomerun up before I update just to make sure and after I update. It never goes missing with the HDs app.

I Do exit the app just to make sure it wasn't interfering in some way and same issue.

Can you submit diagnostic

Does adding the HDHR by IP help?

It seems like it adds, but as soon as I try to do anything with the tuner, the tuner disappears from Channels.

Just submitted diagnostics 63e30ff0-0e51-42f5-a386-73a6ef847a90

What OS is your server on ?

Windows 11 fully updated.

I have mine also on Windows 11 fully updated and have 3 OTA units and 2 Primes and channels has no problem ... I am sure you probably already did this but won't hurt to ask ... have you turned on Network Discover and file sharing.

Yes I have, my laptop can see both HDhomerun tuners listed in File explorer->Network

channels is running on a desktop

Yup, mine looks just like that.

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You can Check the firewall settings for Channels DVR ... but I have been using HDHR units for at least 15 years ... usually this is caused by a bad Network Cable/Port or a failing power supply ... this might cause the HDHR unit to drop of the Networks intermittently.

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Mine looks like that too and that would make sense if other apps like HDs app had the same issue and it does not. it just is channels, when I update the app it looks like it's there, but when I try to use it acts like it's not there.

and when I roll back to stable the issue isn't there.

Sounds like you have tried everything ... maybe @tmm1 can help you... but I am on the latest pre-release and everything looks good on my end.

That's what I'm hoping too and thanks for the help just to make sure I wasn't missing anything : )

I have a similar problem as OP. My HDHomerun worked just fine until I tried to test the feature in the new beta to disable it. When I tried to disable it the button quickly changed to disabled and then back to enabled again. Since then it shows up as a Source on the Sources page but not as a source in the Guide page.

I also removed it as a source and re-added it via IP address and have the same result - shows on the Source page but not as a source on the Guide page.

I am running the latest beta from today, fwiw.

My suspicion is it might have something to do with auto-discovery of HDHRs and the new ability to disable sources. Perhaps an unintended consequence.

That is a great possibility. I have not even attempted to disable my HDHR units. @tmm1 As a matter of fact since the OP and I looked at other possibilities this is the only explanation,

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Yep, that sounds like exactly and possibly what happened before my issue started.

I tested on my test server the Disable on the HDHomeRun it went back to enable on its own, but it no longer shows as one of my sources in the guide data.

That mirrors my experience exactly.