Latest Channels app does not open on tvOS 18.4 Beta 1

Latest tvOS 18.4 Beta 1, Channels Whole Home DVR app just crashes as soon as you open it on the Apple TV.

Uninstalling the app and reinstalling it makes it at least open, but as soon as you try and browse it crashes.

Joined the Channels TestFlight and downloaded the latest to my Apple TV and it is still crashing.

Apple TV 4K Current Gen with Ethernet

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Thank you for the warning. Thank you for your service. :saluting_face:

And for the annual reminder!

Oh totally, I am just reporting it for the dev and others. I have two Apple TVs, so I'm good :slight_smile:

Though ironically Channels iOS app works just fine on iOS 18.4 Beta 1

I am having the same issue here. If I delete the channels app and reinstall it works until it touch the recording tab then the app crashes and can't be opened again.

Just noticed this. Maybe it's the fix?

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Yeehaw thank you! I just manually installed it and it is fixed!

Thank you, Dev, for the quick fix!

Channels Beta works on Beta now! Thank you!