Latest testflight tvos build crashes

@tmm1 latest test flight build installed (I think it was the second one uploaded today) when I try to tune into Monday night football on ESPN via TVE. The channels app crashes. I repeated this about 5 times and then submitted diagnostics. Seems to happen when refresh switching happens. I saw the game for about 1 second, then it tries to change the refresh rate to 59.97. That's when it crashes.

I went back to the build from yesterday (2 builds ago) and am watching the game fine now...

There's a new build out with the fix

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All good just tested.. Thanks

@tmm1 looks like it is still broken for custom channel feeds. I submitted diagnostics from ATV.

FWIW I'm on the new build and Custom Channel feeds are working fine.

@slampman If you update to the latest TestFlight beta it should fix it.

thanks. I havent seen a new build yet, maybe it hasn't propagated or something... I'll check a bit later