List of recording om Nvidia Shield

I have Channels DVR running on a Windows 10 PC and I have an Nvidia Shield connected to my main TV, I'm not able to see everything I have recorded in the library. Currently there are 14 movies recorded and I can't see any of them, I can on my Android phone and web access.

Are you able to see other recordings, and just the movies aren’t visible?

I have a TV series with 7 episodes recorded, when I look in the Recordings section of the app on the Nvidia Shield I see the last 2 episodes and can go into the More button of one of the episodes to see all 7.

Can you click Settings > Submit Diagnostics in the app

Does force restarting the app make any difference?

I cleared the cache and force closed it, is that what you mean?

Yes. Did it help?

It actually made it worse, before I did that I could at least see a couple movies, now there's none. Shouldn't I be able to see everything that is recorded? I never have been able to, I just lived with it.

Please click Settings > Support > Submit Diagnostics inside the app

I actually did that this morning around 6am CST

I need them to be submitted after the force restart and relaunch of the app.

OK, I forced restart and submitted diagnostics with the category of Other.

The diagnostics look okay.

Can you take a photo of where you're expecting to see data and its missing?

Movies are generally shown on the Library tab, underneath Up Next and Recently Recorded

Well I feel stupid! I had Up Next, TV Shows, Movies, and Library turned off in the Navigation setting, I apologize for the inconvenience. So what is the Recordings section meant to do? That's where I was expecting to find everything I recorded.

That is a linear view of the DVR's recordings, with most recent at the top. (In-progress recordings are also listed there.) I'm not sure what the limit is (it does not include all recordings), but I believe it is something like the most recent 50 recordings or so.