Loading.... for a long time

Thanks. This got it working again. Load times seem much better too.

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This bug has been fixed in v2017.03.01.2225. Thanks for reporting!

Just updated and tested.

The guide data seems to load in 10-20 seconds now, rather than 1+ minute. Huge improvement!

That said, the app is still just spinning at startup for that 10-20 seconds. Is there any way to have the Channels app open while the guide data is still loading in the background?

Do you shut off the Apple TV? The app should load much more quickly after initial launch… like if you leave the app and come back to it, how long does it take?

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Sorry, disregard.

I did some more scientific testing on all ATVs. On first launch (after reboot) the app takes 12 seconds to load. On subsequent opening of the app it’s almost instantaneous.

We have made further improvements to startup time in v2.1.26, now available on the App Store. In our tests its about 2x faster.