Local College Feed - Help with m3u and custom channel

Trying to add a local college to Channels. Looking to gain some knowledge on how to add custom channels myself but a little confused on this one.

VLC plays the m3u fine using the index.m3u8.

URL of the website is: UW-Stout

I used developer options of chrome to get the m3u and this is what I found for m3u. https://d30048tpaf66z3.cloudfront.net/ar6etbj3/720p-2.0.hls/index.m3u8

I loaded this into VLC and it plays it. The m3u seems to be constantly updating.

Sample is below and keeps growing as the game plays on. What am I missing to be able to add this to channels? This is just the first step before I try to script it in. Any help would be appreciated since this is one of many I would like to add.


You have to select HLS, Text, then add:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="UWSTOUT",UW-Stout

It would look like this. Works great

I never expected a reply back this quick. Thanks so much, that worked. The game is still on and it is now working. If I was to write a script to scrape these games and write it to a file and then reload the m3u on demand I should be able to not need a full docker for a couple of these games?