Local error: tls: bad record MAC

Keep getting this error. Manual port forwarding, Restarted server, setup ipv6, google dns on Google WiFi. I’m out of ideas, anyone else?

2020/09/17 21:14:59.380808 [SYS] Created database snapshot: backup-20200917.211459
2020/09/17 21:14:59.398183 [SYS] Removing old backup backup-20200822.154201
2020/09/17 21:19:23.406845 [NAT] Successfully mapped port 8090 using natpmp
2020/09/17 21:19:24.235106 [TLS] Requesting certificate for dda0e05cefb4.channelsdvr.net
2020/09/17 21:20:42.325640 [TRS] DNS: OK: Resolved host via system DNS
2020/09/17 21:20:42.739379 [TRS] Cloud Reachable: OK: Connected to community.getchannels.com
2020/09/17 21:20:42.917051 [TRS] Local Time: OK: Local clock is accurate
2020/09/17 21:20:43.104602 http: TLS handshake error from local error: tls: bad record MAC
2020/09/17 21:20:43.113102 [TRS] Remote Access: ERROR: Connected to dda0e05cefb4.channelsdvr.net but SSL certificate is invalid.
2020/09/17 21:20:43.132245 [TRS] Disk Permissions: OK

Are you sure you have manual set for your port forwarding? The following line indicates that Channels is setting up an automatic port forward:

Perhaps you should:

  1. Disable the DVR
  2. Ensure the port forwarding is set to manual
  3. Restart the DVR server
  4. Enable the DVR

This should make sure that everything is progressing as it should.

When stopping then restart remote access it defaults to auto. Just stopped and restarted remote access again and it got a cert. have tried this multiple times and first time it worked. Very weird. Thx for feedback.