Local NBC TVE not working

[ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6000: TVE: Could not fetch playlist: tvenbcaffgroup2-y.akamaized.net: get https://tvenbcaffgroup2-y.akamaized.net/v1/master/8731b4a01f4c78c237c9c596da70a09cf1742ab7/PROD_NBC_AFFILIATE_G2_PASSTHROUGH/master.m3u8?aws.sessionId=d11d42fa-565e-40a3-acf1-7eb2d95c9302&hdnts=exp=1681303608~acl=/v1/master/!/Content/~hmac=8f3a458d07e6f03cf7a1c4127ec29ae2665e628fcf0049205458f4e62b32d3b6: 504 Gateway Time-out

Submitted diagnostic logs:

Same issue here.

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Still working for me (WCAU-TV)

Apparently, you're not alone: NBC TVE could not start stream error

FYI, my NBC (WNBC) is working fine for me right now.

Still happening fo rme as well. It has been several weeks now. I have changed DNS, reset internet multiple times, but still giving that error. I can watch live tv on NBC.com just fine and through the app so not sure why Channels is having this issue. There are a lot of new threads in regard to NBC in general and how they are moving servers.


Looks like TVE is becoming a thing of the past.
Let's hope it isn't true.

would be nice if we had one streaming service that could connect directly with Channels.
We could drop all this TVE nonsense.
I kind of wish LocalBtv would get agreements with the networks.

It looks like Owned & Operated NBC stations are still working, but all other affiliates have switched backends to the new nbc.com/live site which uses DRM.


Oh no. Hope there will be a workaround.

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This is a major change by NBC and is not reversible. Please read more below at our official announcement: