Locally Split Episodes

In Denver, Face the Nation is sometimes split into two 30 minutes episodes. One episode starts at 9:30 AM. The other is schedule the next night at 12:30 AM. The guide shows both episodes, but when I try to schedule to record each one or create a series pass, I can only schedule one time period. If I switch to the other time, the first schedule disappears.

Any suggestions?

Thanks, Blue

Where are you trying to create a pass?

Channels on iPad Mini, Channels on Amazon Fire, and the Channels DVR web app on a Mac Mini 2018. I have tried on all three “devices”.

Tuner is a HDHomeRun Quatro.

I’m a refugee from Eyetv. Loving Channels. Channels really works well.



Try it in the DVR web app, using the Search feature. When you create a simple pass without any time set, it doesn't show both time slots in the schedule?

It's possible the guide data says that both airings are the same episode, in which case the DVR would refuse to record the same thing twice. What's the zipcode and channel number?

Tried in the web app. Same problem. The two episodes formed when KCNC channel 4.1 splits “Face the Nation” must show exactly the same electronic episode information. If I schedule the first, I cannot schedule the second. The web app show “queued” on both times. Scheduling one, removes the schedule for the other split episode.

KCNC Channel 4.1 and zip code is 80226

I believe it is common on the west coast to air the first 30 minutes of Face the Nation Sunday morning with the second half airing over night (Monday @2:30 for KPIX in the SF Bay Area).

The guide would be “correct” if the two airings list the same episode. It is only one episode. A difficult problem...

Thanks. I believe the guide shows the same episode information and, thus, only one of the two "episodes" will record.


As a work around, I scheduled the following show and padded the start time by 30 minutes. This should “catch” split Part 2 of the episode that I want.