CBS Face The Nation - TV Guide Splits Episode in 2 - DVR records only first half

Face the Nation on CBS used to be listed in guide as a single 1 hour show, now it is split as the same episode back to back in the guide, so the guide does not record the second half, because it appears to be the same episode it already recorded.

Seems like the only solutions are to:

  • Change pass to record all episodes, which will give me way too many episodes.
  • Workaround to make it record 30 minutes after (similar to this issue)

Is that it?

Somewhat related: is there a way to go backwards in the guide?

The program on broadcast CBS is the full hour, the program that airs on the CBS News internet stream (6766) is when it is split. Changing the recording pass to only record off the local broadcast should help you out.

Unfortunately thats not it, the local channel guide is listing it twice, not CBSN. Take a look at and use an NYC zip code like 10001. It's the same exact episode broken into two parts with same description. In reality it's a single hour long show.

Interesting. Here in SoCal KCBS has it as an hour. You can use the contact link on Zap2it's site to report the error, and maybe they'll fix it for the future.

In Denver, Face The Nation is often split into two 30 minute episodes. The only way that I solved this was to wait until the first “half” aired and then schedule the second “half” to record. Both recording share the same episode number, but Channels DVR puts both into the list of episodes to watch under Face The Nation in Apple and Amazon devices.

We have a similar issue in our market. A Baptist Church has aired their 11am service live on our local CBS affiliate for like 50 years now. They can't tape delay it because of the NFL Pregame, so they air the first half of Face the Nation on the CBS station and the second half on a sister station.

In your case the easiest thing to do would be to extend your recording 30 minutes after. It'll always record that first airing because it is earliest, and the extra 30 minutes would record the whole show.

In my case because it is split across two channels I did an Advanced pass with Title CONTAINS Face the Nation, then restricted the channel to channels less than 100 to avoid the CBSN issue.