Logos missing (per device not channel? )

So here’s a new one…

Custom channels ( beach cams).. have logo I use. For channel designator (like cnn logo is to left of cnn channel) (as opposed to selecting channel and logo appears in description….)

But oddly, same channels work fine on Apple TV but on iPad, iPhone, but they are missing on firestick missing…

  • rebooted mini of running in channels updated software

  • refreshed all I can..

  • strange it’s perfect device that’s different not any of the settings on source…

  • follow up still having issues with some OTA channels schedule… always been like that example cozi tv just says cozi tv….. yet another cozi tv shows schedule just fine… ( two different OTA but same geo loc)


Where is logo missing? The guide?

Yes the guide left side above channel number

Can you provide an example url of the images being used?

Sure here are from iPad and Appletv

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="Myrtle Beach Ocean Blvd" channel-number="1997" tvg-logo="https://skywheelmb.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/myrtle-beach-media-300x113.jpg" tvg-name="MYR Ocean Blvd" tvc-guide-title="Myrtle Beach Ocean Blvd " tvc-guide-description="Myrtle Beach Ocean Blvd (near Skywheel" tvc-guide-art="https://www.myrtlebeach.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/NorthShoreBeachFront-240x240.jpg",Myrtle Beach

Third one is follow up on how comeOTA ( there are about 10) can’t get schedule …. There are duplicate channels above that shows Hegel same network but different geo location…..

Somehow those URLs are not routing well.

Are the same ones missing evey time? Your shots appear that they’re different.

It could be that their servers are blocking the fast multiple requests.

Oh man website changed ok I know why now
Source change no pic…

Any ideas on that follow up…. No schedule?

Please open another thread for another topic.

Guide data is managed on the DVR web UI. You can assign the data there under Sources > HDHR > :gear: > Manage