LOGS file

I was transferring my folders yesterday, and noticed a pretty large LOGS file folder (~8GB). I have about 275GB of recordings.
Is the Logs folder something that will grown and grow, or is there any type of maintenance that should be done. I would hate for hard drive to fill up with Log files.

Most likely whatever is telling you that space is taken is following symbolic links.
For each of your recordings, there is a symbolic link to it in the Logs\comskip\File# folder.
The recording is not in the folder, just a symbolic link pointing to it.
Some OS's (like Windows) will follow the links and report the size of the recording file it points to.

Also, if you're using TV Everywhere, some of those log files are fairly large in the Logs/recording/File# folders.

See if you can view everything in the Logs folder and its subdirectories and sort by file size to see how large each file is.

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