Lon video on Pi Installtion


Thank you! I’ve toyed with the idea of migrating to Channels for 1-1/2 years, including ordering all the parts, returning them and ordering again. I’ve been sitting on my second stack of parts for a month daunted by the task. I’ll let you know how it goes, but this video could not be more timely.

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Everyone who loves channels. Go give LON a thumbs up. I wana see plenty of traffic to video.

I'd love to see some new YouTube videos showing off channels. We have so many bad ass features.

*Unified tv guide (Reason I started using)
*local dvr (Limated only by your hdd)
*Virtual Channels (single coolest feature)
*Channel collections ( kinda cool)
*Smart rules
*Com skip

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This is a fantastic video. I set up a Raspberry Pi a couple of weeks ago and struggled a bit (but successful). This video would have saved me time. I'd like to see Channels put a link on their Pi documentation info page.


It's been embedded in the page.