Logs have been submitted as 744a6b59-0b26-4115-a667-23302ddad56c
Also submitted Client logs.
BTW took a long time to gather the logs.
Logs have been submitted as 744a6b59-0b26-4115-a667-23302ddad56c
Also submitted Client logs.
BTW took a long time to gather the logs.
The problems appears to be with the Plex Docker ... I recently added Plex to see .. but there is nothing that interests me so I will keep it removed.
This is what caused the Problem ...
docker run -d --network=host -e PLEX_PORT=9081 --name plex-for-channels jgomez177/plex-for-channels
That was it but strange it was working before ... maybe I had too many Channels ?
It appears that parsing the XMLTV guide was taking a long time to complete. It's surprising that it would have been causing you issues, and the guide data is cached in-memory once it is accessed after a fetch, so it's surprising you would continue to have issues.
How large is the XMLTV guide file when you download it?
Same. Added Plex for channels last week and was working before last nights update.
The last change in XMLTV guide data parsing was in September, so at first glance the issue does not appear to be a change in our processing. Very odd...
If I remember correctly it was 573 Chanels and everything was working before update. I am sure you will soon hear from others when they start using Channels DVR.
I've updated the title to reflect the situation.
Were you running the latest version released 2 days ago?
Plex Playlist v1.03
Last Updated: Feb 11, 2024
Current version: 1.05 (Feb 15, 2024)
I see I have to get the image from github not the one from Docker hub ... Everything is working ok right now without Plex so I will leave it for now.
You sound like me. I don't need another 500+ channels, I have too many already.
A suggestion would be to pull the EPG data from i.mjh.nz/Plex/us.xml until I resolve the issue the docker container is having. The way I am pulling does take some time so will need to break it down some.
The issue isn’t in the time it takes for the DVR to download the XML. It is downloaded and then in a separate step it is processed. It’s the processing that appears to be taking the long time.
Just like the nature channels. Good to play in the background when I'm not focused on what I'm watching.
Same. Was getting the image from Docker hub as well. I've reverted back to mjh.nz for now and everything is working fine, but hoping to get it working from jgomez's container again as mjh usually can't connect and times out for majority of the channels I watch... probably because the server is too busy.
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