Long-time Issue: Apple TV Recent Recordings Show Status Wrong

Let me start with: this has been an issue for a very long time. Years at this point.


  • Multiple Apple TVs in a household.
  • All have the Channels App active, or was recently active.
  • Begin watching show A on ATV 1. Pause at a certain point, or complete the show.
  • Go to ATV 2 that already has Recent Recordings up.

Completion circle state is incorrect.

Shows play correctly, so it’s retrieving the correct state from the DVR, but the state information - in particular the all-important (in my household) completion circle - is incorrect.

There are a variety of other scenarios where this is a problem as well - for example, while a show is being currently recorded the state always looks partial or incomplete unless I take an action to force a refresh or recent recordings.

Running the latest production tvOS and Channels app versions (nothing beta, etc).

Anyone run into something similar or have any advice on this one or is it just a known issue at this point?

@tmm1 Bump.

Please update to the betas as the current stable is so old, there’s not much we can do to even troubleshoot with you.

It’s from May.

We’re working on getting a new stable build out on the App Store very soon, as it’s been far too long without getting any changes or fixes out to the stable build.

Yeah I've seen this from the beginning as well, the circles for both recordings and schedule are often not correct.