Hi, Love the m3u sources. Problem when trying to create a pass from the guide, passes fail to capture recording with default settings, but pushing record does record them (only current episode). To make the pass work going forward I have to go to the Channels Server and edit the pass to search the Title CONTAINS, and remove the New flag and also remove the series ID. These are all programs on NewsMax if that makes a difference. I also add the channel for good measure. It would be great if we could create these passes from the AppleTV interface without having to go back to their server.
Which pluto source are you using? You may have better luck with self-hosted docker or https://nocords.xyz
https://i.mjh.nz/PlutoTV/us.m3u8 thanks I’ll try again but think I was having the same issue also would like a 4 minute padding option that is the sweet spot for my streams.
Most likely not enough good guide data for the show to use a series pass. Typical with some shows on Pluto.
I figured a pass would be impossible to rely on with Pluto releasing guide data only about 3 to 6 hours out. However, if the guide data is being refreshed every one or three hours, there would be an opportunity for a pass re-scan to pick it up. Do you know how often passes re-scan the guide to pick up new matches?
Whenever the xml guide data is refreshed by Channels DVR.
I customized mine.
The Pluto for Channels docker refreshes guide info from Pluto about every three hours and gets 12 hours of guide data. I modified it to grab EPG every hour, on the hour.
I then run a task at 4 minutes after each hour to update the Pluto lineup and guide in the Channels server using the Pluto source.
This way Channels always has, at minimum, 11 hours of Pluto guide data.
I'm using the playlist from nocords.xyz and have the guide refresh set to 3 hours, because when I tried to change it to 1 hour it seemed I ran into some kind of resistance.
When you say you run a task, are you referring to having Task Scheduler in Windows run a script? If so, what does the script look like that tells Channels to update Pluto? Has it allowed you to have some success using passes on Pluto programming?
That updates every 30 minutes
Task Scheduler on Synology NAS
Refreshes playlist; Sleeps a minute; Refreshes xml
curl -s -XPOST http://<dvr_ip:port>/providers/m3u/sources/Pluto/refresh; sleep 60; curl -s -XPUT http://<dvr_ip:port>/dvr/lineups/XMLTV-Pluto
When it comes to Pluto and the rest of the XML sources, your best bet for passes is to create an Advanced Pass with "Title Contains". Here's an example of doing just that and other things to consider when recording from Pluto:
I have many passes like this and they all work great with no issue. As soon as something appears in the guide, no matter what your interval, you'll be good to go!
I've had almost 100 percent success with the passes I've set up, but there's one show I've been recording that has no Season and Episode information in the metadata and every episode is being recorded multiple times. I wanted to add Season and Episode details to the metadata to help me sort it all out, but it's the only show in my Library (as far as I can tell) that when I click on Options->Edit Metadata I get no editing window to pop up. I don't think this is a Pluto thing, because all the other recordings I've tried to edit the metadata for I've gotten the pop-up editing window.
I just saw this:
Which explains that it's a date format discrepancy that has been fixed in the latest beta release. Thanks!
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