Mac app for trimming freeview recordings


I’m wondering if anyone knows of a good, lightweight and fast Mac app for trimming recordings that works with UK freeview?

For those that don’t know, there’s an issue with QuickTime not recognising the audio in the recordings due to some unusual way the streams are created in freeview broadcasts. Apps like Iina playback wonderfully, but it doesn’t offer a trim feature.

Here’s a thread about the audio problem. macOS no sound in QuickTime

I’m happy to pay a modest amount, say £20 ($30) or so for something that’s quick and does the job efficiently and reliably. Ideally updated for apple silicon.

If anyone has any tips, it would be great to know about them.

Thanks. Robin.

Lossless Cut works pretty well. It's essentially a GUI wrapper around Ffmpeg. It can simply remux the desired portions into a new file, without re-encoding the source.

(There is a paid version in the Mac App Store, but it is also available direct from its GitHub repository for free.)


Thanks @racameron , I’ll give it a go. It looks just the job.

Edit: Thanks, I've given it a go. It took a little getting used to the UI but it works brilliantly. So refreshing to be able to trim a video without having to recompress. It feels like magic compared to so many other apps out there. Thank you so much for sharing.