Mac: run server without logging in

I just got a new Mac mini and installed the Channels server (moving from Windows 10 version). I noticed that the Mac Channels server does not start unless I log in, which is not desired in case of a power failure. With Windows 10 this was not a problem.

I thought that installing the server as a service (per instruction on Channels website) would solve this, but it is still not working.

I'd prefer not to have a non-password-protected machine that auto logs in upon system start. Is there a way to have the Channels server start without logging in? I've searched these forums and can't seem to find a straight answer to this question.


You might find some tips here:

mac mini tips wanted

Which part is not working?

Are you able to access the DVR web UI when not logged in? Via http://x.x.x.x:8089 using the IP of your Mac?

No, I'm not able to access http://x.x.x.x:8089 from another network computer until I go to the Mac and log in. After I log in, then the server starts and I can access the DVR from another machine.

Is installing the server as a background service supposed to solve that?

Yes if you're running as a background service, you would expect it to be running an accessible.

Do you have FDE enabled? If so, the system probably hasn't even booted yet and still needs a password to boot up.

Oh ok, yes I have FileVault enabled (guessing that’s what you mean by FDE). I will try disabling that and see if it works after some recordings finish tonight.

Well, I tried disabling FileVault and the Channels server still doesn't start until I type the password and finish logging in.

Any other ideas without turning on automatic system log-in?

When I go to the terminal and type
launchctl list
it shows channels as below:
524 1

I read that status code 1 means not enough privileges. When I look at in /Library/LaunchDaemons, all of the paths listed in there for working directory, output path, error path, and arguments path are in my Users/myusername directory. Is this causing this issue that those files are in myusername directory?

What about

launchctl list

That returns the same thing that my command above returned.

To get around this issue I just made another "DVR" user on the Mac (different from my administrator user) that is set to auto-login. I then reinstalled Channels on that DVR user. So if the Mac loses power it automatically boots into the second user and starts the Channels server.

Not ideal as I would like to use the Mac as a workstation to access my iCloud files and such on the administrator profile while also running the server, but until someone figures this out, I guess that's the way I'll run the server.