Manage recorded movies by title .... duplicates

I seem to be getting duplicate Movies ... but when I go to DVR manage, I cannot sort by title to check for duplicates .... can this be added ?


This is from my IFC Collection just a small sample ...



I agree it would be nice to sort alphabetically in DVR > Manage > Movies
Do you see the duplicates in Library > Movies when sorted alphabetically?

yes I see them ...I wonder if TVE and Regular Cable guide can be causing the movie DUPS.

You could investigate them like you did for your FBI dups.
Click View Details, then the File ID number on the dups and see what the JobID is.

1658620680 is the unix epoch time of recording
-100 means it was scheduled by pass (rule) #100

1671390000 is the unix epoch time of recording
-ch120 means it was manually scheduled from channel 120

Another thing is that in manage DVR you cannot even filter by recorded movies ... so it is not easy to check for dups.

But it appears they got more pressing matters like fixing advance pass.

DVR > Manage > Movies
Screenshot 2022-12-18 at 12-09-03 Channels Manage Recordings

Ok I see it now.

That's from
DVR > Manage > Movies
Of course as you mentioned no alphabetical sort there

Library > Movies
Screenshot 2022-12-18 at 12-15-15 Channels Browse Movies

The dups just recorded today ...

First it's FBI episodes, now Movies.
Wonder what is going on?

Is there a way I can set a collection only for recorded movies ?

I reported this to @maddox last week so I think its on the list :slightly_smiling_face:

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I have it on latest prerelease v2022.12.12.0138

Yeah but if you try to filter to just recordings or imports it will show all regardless. Those filters don't do anything on the back end

OK, but it works on my DVR. :man_shrugging:

It works just to filter recorded movies .. just not alphabetical.

Ahh OK. @maddox My bug only happens if you set the filter to Unverified AND select recordings or Imports. When you do that it just displays all items and ignores other filters.

Right, that shows both Imported and recorded. Verified or unverified.

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