Matches on server not the same as scheduled recording on clients

I’m trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong here, or probably just not understanding, but my search skills have failed me. I set up a pass to try out a new source (HD Homerun), limiting the recording to the channel from that source. It shows up in the Matches on the server:

But it doesn’t show up in the scheduled recordings for tomorrow:

Nothing in the logs as far as I can see.

Is there something I don’t understand? I assumed if there was a match, that would mean it would be scheduled to be recorded.

Did you save the pass? Or are you still in the middle of editing the rules. Matches != jobs scheduled.

It’s saved, yes.

I see the matches when I click the edit button and go to the matches tab.

A strange thing about this pass is it also disappeared a day or so ago, so I recreated it. I assumed someone in the family deleted it by accident, but maybe there’s something else going on.

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Was your app just sitting on that screen?

Did you try going back and reloading it? I don’t think the schedule view live updates.

Also, did you check the scheduled jobs on web to see if the app matches that. Those are the analogues data views.

I force closed and it’s still not there. It’s also not showing a tally in the general list on the server.

I wonder if this could be related to the “dummy” logo source I created via Olivetin.

Submit logs.

But you could be right.

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Submitted as 952d6c6b-bedd-4a9d-9cb4-490037a01be9

You’ll see some attempts I made a few minutes ago to tweak the pass, with no luck, and to move my Logos source to lower priority.

Try selecting re-record deleted on the pass maybe

Thanks for the suggestions. That didn’t work, but I just did what I should have done from the start — delete the pass and set it up again, and now it is showing up in Scheduled Recordings, and giving me the count in the list on the server. So all is good now. I still have no clue what was going on with the other one, or why my very first pass disappeared. Thanks for working with me on this.