MCEBuddy Suggested Settings?

Running Channels DVR on a Windows 10 64bit machine.

Hi folks,

I spent some time a month ago testing MCEBuddy with Channels DVR. I had some issues, and stopped my research. Now, I’d like to start up again but starting from scratch. After taking some time to google, I just wasn’t able to find any consistent info. So, I thought I’d reach out to you guys first before trying to re invent the wheel.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

See also MCEBuddy - Channels DVR files


I’m going to test having MCEBuddy rename everything in the correct format for ChannelsDVR. Has anyone created a solid pattern command for the renaming section?

Never mind, this is helping.

Oh, I spoke to soon, I think. I’m not sure if I should be exactly replicating the ChannelsDVR folder structure and file name?

Perhaps you can start by stating what your end goal is?

Most people use MCEBuddy to export videos into their Plex library. Are you trying to do that, or something different?

Did you enable the mcebuddy mode in the DVR by running the following command in powershell:

Invoke-WebRequest -Method put

Oh, I see. No, I did not enable DVR mode. I’ll do that, but what does it do? And yes, I’m running plex, and I may have been making things more difficult for my self because I was trying to have MCEBuddy convert and rename everything so that both Plex and Channels DVR can view. But, maybe I’ll just stick with using DVR to record, and I’ll have mcebuddy just move the files like you mentioned?

The mcebuddy option will tell the DVR to output special json files with each recording which the latest version of MCEBuddy can read for metadata. That way it will know exactly what show/episode was recorded and doesn’t have to guess based on the filename.

Thank you for the help. One last thing, any major differences between using Comskip and show analyzer?