Messed up migration

You would be a sad puppy if you did that!

Channels DVR doesn't import as well as Plex and you will end up spending a lot of time fixing mismatched imports.

Probably best to come up with a way to identify which recordings/imports have the QNAP share path in the Channels DVR database and then do the first option

Thanks for all your time.

This will give you a list of all recordings in the Channels DVR database sorted by their path.

curl | jq --raw-output "sort_by(.ImportPath,.Path) | .[] | \"\(.ImportPath)\/\(.Path)\"" > /volume1/ChannelsDVR/Recordings_list.txt

Change the IP address and port ( to that of your Channels DVR Server.
Run this at an ssh command line on your Synology, or run it from Synology Task Scheduler.
If you need help doing either of these, just ask.
It will save the results into the text file /volume1/ChannelsDVR/Recordings_list.txt

Just updated it to show directories for any imports you may have done.
Recordings will appear like this

null/Movies/Titanic (1997) 2022-08-20-1258.mpg
null/TV/Yellowstone/Yellowstone S01E101 2018-06-20 Daybreak 2022-09-03-1158.mpg

Imports like this, showing the import directory

/shares/imports/Movie/The Discovery of Noah's Ark (1993)/The Discovery of Noah's Ark (1993).mp4
/shares/imports/TV/Farming the Wild (2018)/Farming the Wild (2018) - 2022-09-26 - Oregon USA Part 2.mp4

Also, if you installed Channels DVR using the Synology package, make sure to give the SYSTEM INTERNAL USER channels access to any additional storage locations or import directories you use.

Just had a "smack head" moment.

You can't use the first option since you can't create the /share directory on a Synology as a shared folder. On a Synology, shared folders have to be created in /volume1

You will have to move the "missing" recordings into an import directory and import them into Channels DVR. It won't be much fun, but move them into /volume1/ChannelsDVR/Imports/TV for TV Shows and /volume1/ChannelsDVR/Imports/Movies for Movies.

That's the best way, so if you migrate to something else, they will be in the correct directories to migrate that match the Channels database.

Thanks my biggest problem is bulk identifying the recordings that are in limbo.I cannot search on any criteria other than the path that the recording has related to it in Channels. Obviously the manage library function lists the "missing files" but I cannot get my head around how to make that list a search list. Maybe the channels database can be interrogated for a list of old qnap share path files? If you get another thought please share. Thanks

Did you try this?

Did you get it resolved?

I reviewed all of the options and I was concerned about going down the path. It is so many recordings and unknown places to trip up. As I said I still have Plex server but really sitting idle. Plex client gives me access to the recordings (as it has all the folders in its library) with only one compromise, the ad removal. So I therefore reverted to where I was some time back. Running ChannelsDVR as my main recording management and Plex as a client front end. I reviewed the Plex bloatware and parked all of that so that removes one of the hassles.
Thank you for your help, over the years as I have run Humax, pre the HDhome days, then trying Emby, and others, no doubt this will not me the last evolution of my recording operation.

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