This will give you a list of all recordings in the Channels DVR database sorted by their path.
curl | jq --raw-output "sort_by(.ImportPath,.Path) | .[] | \"\(.ImportPath)\/\(.Path)\"" > /volume1/ChannelsDVR/Recordings_list.txt
Change the IP address and port ( to that of your Channels DVR Server.
Run this at an ssh command line on your Synology, or run it from Synology Task Scheduler.
If you need help doing either of these, just ask.
It will save the results into the text file /volume1/ChannelsDVR/Recordings_list.txt
Just updated it to show directories for any imports you may have done.
Recordings will appear like this
null/Movies/Titanic (1997) 2022-08-20-1258.mpg
null/TV/Yellowstone/Yellowstone S01E101 2018-06-20 Daybreak 2022-09-03-1158.mpg
Imports like this, showing the import directory
/shares/imports/Movie/The Discovery of Noah's Ark (1993)/The Discovery of Noah's Ark (1993).mp4
/shares/imports/TV/Farming the Wild (2018)/Farming the Wild (2018) - 2022-09-26 - Oregon USA Part 2.mp4