Messed up migration

For reasons I cannot explain when I migrated from QNAP to Synology I confused the database. The recordings are in 2 folders both linked. The total recording is 4965. However 2499 are not known and cannot be found in the library to watch. See screen grabs. How can I recreate the database to "see" all the recordings?

We can't tell what you did by reading those statements. Perhaps if you explain what you did you can get some help.

Like what were your Storage Paths before migration
What steps did you follow to migrate, etc.

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Hi chdvruser,
Thanks for taking the time to jump in.
My honest answer is that I am not entirely sure what I did. The background was that I originally, going back to early Plex, ran plex as my dvr. At some point plex screwed their guide data and it became a guess if my recordings would make it.
I then found Channels which although not as slick, it did what it said on the tin. I began using it to record but using plex as my server and client. It looked at the Channels recording folder.
Plex gradually bloated to the point where my DVR management was secondary to their streaming desires. I have pass from the early days so keep it in the background, as its free to me now. I also realised that I was not using Channels to its best. I therefore began using Channels as the main server and client. All on the QNAP. I had it looking at the 2 folders you see in my screen shot, which were copied over to my new Synology at the end of last year. What process I followed to migrate the channels database I cannot say for sure. But somehow I suspect I copied the folders but did not perform a migrate or maybe 50/50. I just don't remember as I had so much to manage at that time.
I was trying to tidy up the data on the QNAP and frankly, stupidly, did not consider the migration. Plex had never been an issue with adding recordings to folders if the nomenclature was OK.
However it was not until a few months later that I found access on channels to a lot of recordings was missing. Plex still sees the folder content and I can watch on plex, but I lose the ad removal feature and have disjointed watching records.
I assumed it was a simple step of database maintenance that needed doing and contacted support. At that point I assumed i had done everything correctly so support were in a quandary and gave up with me.
In essence I think I migrated one folder correctly but not the other, is there a way I can homogenise all these recordings into the channels DB?
I appreciate your time reading what maybe an unhelpful answer from me?


Simple answer.
If Channels DVR recorded it, the recordings will be where you told Channels DVR to record them to on your QNAP. Channels DVR remembers what was recorded and where the recorded files are (stored in its database).

If you didn't migrate Channels DVR from your QNAP to your Synology by following the process Channels Support - How do I move Channels DVR Server to a new computer?, then whatever recordings Channels DVR doesn't know it made (stored in its database) will have to be imported.

Try playing a recording. Then check the DVR log. What error does it show.

It will tell you where its trying to find the video file. You need to make sure the video files are in that place. Or you can change the configuration to point where they actually are.

OK. I think I have now identified what I did. On the Qnap I would have had the original plex tv folder share/home media/tv Once I migrated to channels for the whole dvr I then had the volume1/channelsdvr/ and on the Synology. What I then did was copy the content of the defunct Plex folder into the volume1/ channelsdvr/tv folder when I retired the QNAP in favour of the Synology. So the database is looking for the non existant qnap share. All the recordings are in the channelsdvr/tv folder. It represents about 50% of my library. How therefore do I get the channels server db to look in the volume1/channelsdvr/tv folder for every recording? Thanks so much for the heads up both it enabled me to see the wood for the trees.

Try adding it as an additional storage path.
DVR web UI Settings > General > Library Database > Storage Paths and click the :heavy_plus_sign: and add
If you backed up and restored the database when you migrated, it should work.
If you didn't backup/restore, you'll have to move those recording again to a local import directory and import them.

I followed you suggestion and sadly the duplicate /tv path did not resolve it. I have now ascertained that all the "missing" recordings are in the current /tv folder. However there are nearly 2500 of them. Mixed in with another similar number that the DB knows. Is there a way to copy/move all the recordings, known and unknown in the existing /tv folder and re importing the whole collection? If so I would appreciate a simple solution?

What is the absolute path to one of the "missing" recordings?
Case matters, so TV is not the same as tv

/volume1/ChDVRtve/TV/Extraordinary Humans/Extraordinary Humans George Aldrich 2024-08-17-2230.mpg
/volume1/ChDVRhdhr/TV/Tracker/Tracker S01E01 2024-02-11 Klamath Falls 2024-07-28-2058.mpg

Question two
Did you perform a database backup on your QNAP and restore that backup on your Synology when you moved Channels DVR over?

The exact path is for the QNAP share:-
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Home Media/TV/Vienna Blood (2019)/Season 01/Vienna Blood (2019) - S01E01 - The Last Seance.ts
But that does not exist anymore and it would appear that I copied the contents into the Channelsdvr/tv So the files exist, but in the current synology channelsdvr/tv folder.
I honestly cannot say if I performed a db backup and restore when I migrated from QNAP. The suggestion is that I did in some part, and this was either after I had moved the data in the channelsdvr/tv folder. But I cannot truthfully say what I did. Which is unhelpful I know, but saves going down a rabbit hole.

What is the absolute path to that "missing" recording on your Synology now?

Does that episode appear in your Library > TV Shows?

It is in TVshows

So the files exist, but in the current synology channelsdvr/tv folder. YES
path from file properties:-
/volume1/ChannelsDVR/TV/Vienna Blood (2019)/Season 01/Vienna Blood (2019) - S01E01 - The Last Seance.ts

To find out where Channels DVR thinks the recorded file is, do this
Click the :gear:Options pulldown and select View Details
Then click the underlined File ID

Then look at the "Path"

What does it show? (you can click to the right of it to copy to clipboard)

That's strange. Channels DVR doesn't use the .ts file extension when it records, it uses .mpg

That's strange. Channels DVR doesn't use the .ts file extension when it records, it uses .mpg
That is because pre PLEX and the Channels I used 2 Humax recorders, and Hummy software.

So that wasn't recorded by Channels DVR?
Did you Import it into Channels DVR?
Still haven't answered the question Messed up migration - #13 by chDVRuser

Answering this one backwards.
Using the Vienna Blood example, I have 4 seasons. 2-4 exist and are on the Channels DVR DB. So when I go to season 2 I can achieve the screen you indicate.

However season one was on the QNAP share originally and does not offer the screen as it cannot find the file?

See the error note. Unless I am missing something?

But of course the file exists in the channelsDVR/TV folder as previously shown.

Yes, but the Channels DVR database thinks the file is in /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Home Media/TV

You can either create a new shared folder on your Synology
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Home Media/TV and move only those "missing" TV Show recordings into it, then add it as an additional storage location


Move only those "missing" recordings into /volume1/ChannelsDVR/Imports/TV and import them all into Channels DVR (not a fun and easy task)


Move all your recordings into /volume1/ChannelsDVR/Imports/TV and import them all into Channels DVR (again, not a fun and easy task)

Of course, it's too late for the easiest way Channels Support - How do I move Channels DVR Server to a new computer?

OK, I can see what you are suggesting. The problem is its 2500 recordings which I do not know how to identify in bulk? As they and all the known recordings are in the channels dvr tv folder, could I copy the lot into a holding folder. Then delete all in the tv folder and in effect reimport the whole 5000 recordings back into Channelsdvr? Do you see a plan there somewhere?