I have 5 AppleTVs in my house and barn (the barn serves as a guesthouse and workspace). I have Channels set up on a Linux system to provide DVR service for the whole LAN. I have various sized (in terms of memory) AppleTV devices, but even on some with more than the lowed memory available, I get frequent messages that tvOS has deleted the metadata because the cache was full.
Since this is most notable on Infuse, and I use it in Infuse to track what I have and have not watched, at first I was blaming Infuse, but I've seen, in their forums, and others, even here, that, apparently, Channels uses a lot of storage/memory on an AppleTV device. On one system, a 32GB AppleTV (Model A1625), I basically use only Channels and Infuse, but I've started using Silicon Dust's crappy HomeRun viewing program because I find my metadata cache is cleared at least once a week (actually, less than 7 days between clearings). I am not pausing my viewing on this system.
I try to use Channels through my DVR on a Linux server when possible, but I have multiple versions of Channels on my AppleTV. One is the "normal" free version that works with the DVR, the other is the more expensive one that is designed to work on its own, without a DVR server. I also have the one from Testflight.
First, how can I tell which version of Channels a particular instance is? I know the icons are different, but which is which?
Second, what can I do to make sure Channels does not repeatedly use up all the extra memory on an AppleTV device?
It seems to me if I have a Channels server on another computer, acting as the DVR, that Channels should be using that for as much as possible. I've seen at least one thread where users were making it quite clear this is a serious issue. I like Channels. While I pay the monthly fee for the guide and have it recording programs on my server regularly, I find I watch the recordings less and less. But this metadata usage is becoming seriously frustrating. I hate to resort to the "if you don't fix this, I'm leaving" kind of tirade, but it is THAT frustrating.