MInisforum EM680 micro PC

I treated myself to some after Christmas tech and found this micro PC. I bought it on Amazon for $400. It's also available from NewEgg and direct from Minisforum.

I've been putting it through it's paces for a couple of days and found it performs with amazing power and speed, especially for it's size. It's loaded with Windows 11 Pro. I have the 32/512 gb model. It runs very cool and quietly. It's just slightly smaller than an ATV4k. I've included my Passmark score below.

If you are looking for an upgrade or new windows PC, I would recommend you give this a look.

Passmark EM680


I am running the um790pro with proxmox on it and a debian 12 lcx container. I have a smb share to my synology nas for storage. Works great and don't need a large hard drive in the um790pro anymore due to the share. My only complaint specifically with the um790pro was quality control. First one had something weird with it where it would restart randomly even though the temps are good. Then on the second one the lower fan that cools the ssd and ram decided to run full boar, basically nuking itself. Only way to stop it was to unplug the unit and plug it back in. Restart didn't change anything. Main CPU fans on these units seem to be very good. I also have a EliteMini UM780XTX and using that for a work pc. So far no issues at all with this unit. Hope it stays that way.