Missing channel (old data)

Hey there.

I have been struggling to add a music channel called "Now90s" to my channels DVR, HDHomeRun is up to date and a recent scan is done, the channel shows up in HDHomeRun app with the correct channel data and EPG, however according to Channels DVR, "Now90s" isn't anywhere to be found.

Looking into things more, it matched Now90s with a channel called "QuestRed+1" and when loading that channel it plays Now90s, but with the incorrect name, and incorrect EPG data, so I now have two "QuestRed+1" channels, one with the actual Quest Red+1 channel and the Now90's one.

Also the actual Quest Red +1 channel has no channel data as it's displayed on NOW 90s stream.

How will one be able to correct this please? I will include a picture.


Click the X on the right of now90 to remove the QRED mapping you added.

Then close the modal and click the circle refresh icon under your HDHR. Open the modal again (via pencil) and see if QRED and NOW80 are mapped correctly or not.

I suspect the former will get fixed, but the latter might not. For us to investigate, it would be helpful to receive http://x.x.x.x/discover.json and http://x.x.x.x/lineup.json (replace x.x.x.x with the IP of your HDHR) to support@getchannels.com

Thanks for the reply tmm1.

I don't appear to have an X next to the Now90's - just the pen, I am guessing this was because it was automatically mapped by Channels DVR.

See picture...

P.S. I sent the information to the email that was asked for.

Found a fix!!

Instead of selecting the EPG data from Freeview (North East) when setting up the DVR... Use the data from YouView - Every channel seems to have EPG data including Now 90s.

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