MLBTV has a live video blackout of all postseason games in the USA and Canada, unless you link your account with a participating pay-TV account: MLB.TV 2024 Postseason |
Nah it was the tigers game today
Sorry if I wasn't clear -- I meant that the ABC/ESPN games earlier this week all had the network commercials in them.
When I install mlbserver and enter the address with its port, I get this message: "cannot find GET /mlb" What can I do?
Original mlbserver (the one you probably want) doesn’t use “/mlb” in the URL — just should suffice (substituting your IP address, of course).
does it work on dedicated servers with US IP?
were some changes made by MLB over night?
trying to watch MLB network, im getting this error this morning, using the NPM version of MLB server.
10/31/2024, 9:18:16 AM stream.m3u8 request : /stream.m3u8?event=mlbn&mediaType=Video&resolution=best from: ::ffff: using: VLC/3.0.20 LibVLC/3.0.20
http post failed : Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
edit: same error when simply trying to load web interface of mlb server.
edit2: I believe it's a DNS/traffic routing issue.
no issues after turning off some software i use.
Works great for me. You might try using the docker version.
I believe it's a DNS/traffic routing issue.
no issues after turning off some software i use.
Going into the 2025 season, which docker is best at this point and still works?
Mlbserver and eplustv still works. I use mlbserver just so I could map the MLB.TV team channels to gracenote.
MlB server is a solid solution.
Looking forward to seeing spring training.
mlbserver is also the only way I'm aware of to watch MLB Network in Channels. I use it every day it's great.
ok great. which version? mlbserver or
mlbserver is still the recommended version for most users.
Nice. First docker container I have ever setup. I am running it on my Synology NAS. Thanks all, tested successfully tonight with the Dominican league.
@bnhf, I believe this excellent project is worthy of inclusion in Olive Tin's Project One-Click!
I do see the "Create a Stack in Portainer + CDVR Custom Channels" button but unfortunately the's the matty8199/channels-baseball project which no longer works.
I believe this would be the one to add, please:
I agree. I'll take a look at it this weekend.
I worked on this today, and here's where I am so far. It can be a little tricky to tell if everything's working properly during the offseason. But here's what I have setup, and what I'm seeing in the guide.
OliveTin Action button:
Project One-Click data items to review/enter:
After clicking Start
, the Action creates a Portainer Stack like this (with env vars not shown):
The Action also creates the following CDVR Custom Source:
And, the offseason guide data I'm seeing based on the container's M3U and XML data. One Dominican League game in a few hours time:
Am I on the right track here as far as required data for the Action, and the guide data available this time of year?
I'll see if the game shown streams once it's live...