Monitor API calls

In a previous post tmm1 suggested that "you could replicate the API call that happens when you click on that button "
My question is how do you monitor the API call from channels. I've tried using the inspect function in Chrome but just not seeing it. Any suggestions on a better way?

Wireshark or tcpdump.

Thanks I'll try Wireshark tonight. I've never used tcpdump. Dose it have any other benefits over Wireshark? Thanks again for the quick response.

I like to think of Wireshark as the over-engineered graphical interface to tcpdump, which includes additional extras you'll probably never need.

Then again, for a simple task, I feel a simple tool is best.

Use what you're comfortable with. There are many other tools out there, too.

Thanks I learn so much from this forum and appreciate it all.

Wire shark is overkill here. You can use the developer tools in Chrome or Firefox and look at the Network tab.

Thanks now that I know I'm on the right track and it's there to find.