Movie details in Library

Hi, I think that there are some additional details which might be helpful if included when selecting a movie from the library.

For instance, when I highlight a specific episode of a TV series, the details include the date, time and channel from when the recording was made. As in the capture below, (February 21, 2024 at 7:44 AM, the Addams Family Channel logo)

I would like to see the same details included for movies. Perhaps it could be added just below the title, on or near the same line as the run time of 121 min in this image below:

Could you detail why knowing when and on what channel a movie came from is valuable to you?

Sure! Sometimes, we end up with duplicate recordings. Perhaps the programs were captured by different family members, or we may have inadvertently recorded a program multiple times. We use some of these details to help decide which version of a recording to retain.

Our recordings from certain channels, say TCM, are commercial free movies, which may include introductions and follow-ups by hosts. These recordings are preferable to movies recorded from free channels like !MOVIES! which always have commercials and/or other breaks.

Regarding recording dates, introductions to movies on TCM tend to be more extensive and detailed when presented at certain times of the year. For example, during the "31 Days of Oscars" or collections of movies presented around different holidays... "Scary Halloween", "Patriotic Memorial Day", etc... Knowing the recording date helps us target which of these titles to keep, and which to purge.

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Here's something I just noticed...
The Movie (3:10 to Yuma) example I posted above was from my Nvidia Shield TV android client. It is running Beta (5.24.1323)

I sometimes use a Channels client on my Chromebook. It is also running Beta (5.24.1323)
On this device interface, the movie details appear different, and include the date and channel information I was asking about, right in the location I had suggested... after consideration, the time of day isn't nearly as important as the date of the recording. (please see example below)

Now, I'm wondering...can we get this information and placement to be consistent across all clients?