Moving from Shield-is Linux good for YTTV TVE?

If it’s just going to be running channels it’s more than enough.

And the issue with Chromium is?
I ask because I only use Chromium with both Debian and Linux Mint. No issues

I had issues authenticating Hulu live tv TVE using chromium. When I switched to chrome no problems since. Could be coincidence though.

Perhaps. I don't subscribe to Hulu Live TV.

Hi- I got my Beelink. Seems like a cool box. I got Linux desktop installed and am stuck. I followed the setup guide sort of. I opened a command window and put in the string per the setup guide and got "command curl not found error" So I then tried sudo snap install curl per the hint that it gave me. I then put the script in again and It asked for my password. I entered and got no errors but I don't think it actually did anything. I am lost. Any help would be nice.

If you want to give ubuntu server a go i out together an install guide.

Which script? I’m assuming the dvr install script. What happens if you go to in a web browser?

You have to use the Beelink web browser for this link to work

Yes, it was the channels script.
curl -f -s | sh gives me refused to connect site cannot be reached error.
UPDATE. I just put the script in again and it says its downloading channels DVR I will report back...

Once it’s done installing that run this command

sudo adduser $(id -u -n) video && sudo adduser $(id -u -n) render

This will ensure you get hardware transcoding

perfect. It seems to have installed it! I will run that command. Thanks!!!

Also (from the Install Notes)

  • We recommend that you run the setup script in your home directory as your own user so Channels DVR Server is installed into ~/channels-dvr.
  • If you prefer instead to install into /usr/local, run this before the setup script:
cd /usr/local && sudo mkdir -p channels-dvr && \
sudo chown $(id -u -n) channels-dvr
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Linux is a bit different than windows when it comes to mounting usb drives on boot.

You need to set this up by editing fstab or the easier gui way.

  1. Click on the 9 dots at the bottom left of the screen and type “disks” in the search bar. Click on and open disks app.
  2. click on your external disk in the list to highlight it.
  3. Under volumes there is a gear, click that and select edit mount options.
  4. Click the button to un-highlight “user session defaults.
  5. Click the box for mount at startup and show in interface

I see that I have a lot to learn with this stuff! Fun and a new workout for my recently retired brain... Dumb question though, Since the Beelink came with W11 Pro, what advantage do you have by using Linux? I know W11 is a lot more bloated, but does Channels run equally as well on W11 as it does on Linux?

No problem running on Widows 11 ... but for dockers etc ... that you might use as sources in your DVR UBUNTU Linux is better.. Windows Docker Desktop takes up a lot of resources.

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I found another thread on the Linux v windows discussion. I withdraw my question as I don't want to cause a war in this forum :wink: I will keep working on my Linux install and if I give up, I will try W11. More dumb Linux questions to follow...

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No war here, just my experience.

I have been using W11 Pro on my Beelink for almost 3 years. It works fine for me, but I don't use anything but a HDHomerun tuner and TVE for my sources. I even just use old fashion HDD usb drives for my storage. I remote into my Beelink from my desktop computer and find it easy to manage. I think Linux is great for people who want to learn a new OS, but I haven't found a reason for me to switch yet. But I am open to that possibility someday. People on here make it as easy as possible.

I have 1 DVR running on Windows 11 another on UBUNTU Server. I have Clients that I support that use Windows... Plus I offer help/tips to those the run ChannelsDVR on Windows 11.

Let's ask @Edwin_Perez, which OS requires more support, W11 or Linux?

You could also look at post installation issues people are having. Linux wins!

I find Windows 11 easier to support ... Easier to add SMB Storage you just add the SMB Share. No need to mess with editing mounting points etc ... Also much easier to add Extra Storage if needed... so for beginners that do not have any Linux experience if a PC comes pre-installed with W11 ... I would use that.

@slampman has great documentation on Installation etc .. if you choose Linux ... and he is always very helpful.

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